
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Recipe: Rich bread and butter pudding (Delia Smith)

One of Hubby's favourite childhood desserts is bread and butter pudding. Many bread and butter puddings which he has tried in restaurants/cafes in KL is not to his liking (he says they're too soggy). The ones that he remembered having had nice crisp crust with a soft custard centre. Delia Smith's rich bread and butter pudding is the perfect pudding in Hubby's eyes.

Our (perfect) bread and butter pudding

I have made this over and over again, and this is probably one of my favorite Delia Smith recipes, mainly because I get to make my man very happy everytime I serve this to him. I have used both white and wholemeal bread before, and we prefer the wholemeal bread version. This is great for using up any leftover bread. This recipe will usually serve 4-6 persons, but Hubby usually eats 3/4 of this on his own! ;P

This is especially good straight out of the oven, served warm with some vanilla ice cream or pouring cream.

Crisp on the outside, with a lovely custardy centre

So dear readers, do you have a favorite childhood dessert? If so, what is it and what do you like best about it?

Rich bread and butter pudding
Recipe adapted from Delia Smith's Complete Cookery Course
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 30-35 minutes
Serves 4-6

8 slices bread, buttered (I prefer wholemeal)
50g currants or raisins
275ml full cream milk
60ml double cream (I used whipping cream)
50g caster sugar
Grated rind of 1/2 small lemon
3 eggs, beaten
Freshly grated nutmeg (I used 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg)

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (no fan).

2. Butter a 1.2l enamel baking dish (one of the oblong kind). Well, I didn't have one of those so I just used a 24cm rectangular ovenproof dish which worked for me.

3. Cut each slice of buttered bread in half, leaving the crusts on. Arrange one layer of buttered bread over the base of the baking dish, sprinkle half the currants/raisins over. Cover with another layer of bread slices and add the remainder of the currants/raisins.

4. In a measuring jug, measure out the milk and add the double cream. Stir in the caster sugar and lemon rind, then whisk the eggs into the milk mixture. Mix the ground nutmeg.

5. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the bread (try to get some on all the bread). If using fresh nutmeg, you can sprinkle over the top.

6. Bake in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Leave to cool for 5 mins and serve warm. You can serve it on its own or with some pouring cream, vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream.

*Your kids can help butter the bread as well as mix the egg-milk mixture and pour it over the bread pudding before baking.


I am submitting this to the "Cook Like Delia Smith" bloghop which I am co-hosting with Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Mich of Piece of Cake. To join, simply cook or bake any recipe from any Delia Smith websites or cookbooks and blog hop with us for the whole month of March 2013.

Your post must be a current post i.e. posted in March 2013 - please do not link older posts.Please mention Cook like a Star in your post and link back to Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Mich of Piece of Cake and Baby Sumo of Eat your heart out.

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Happy cooking! Do check out the other bloggers recipe below:


  1. ooh, that's true, a lot of KL's bread-&-butter puddings just miss the mark. soggy, or stodgy, or just too sweet, or too artificially flavored, or not fresh enough. i like the look of yours ... looks creamy without being drowned in cream, and as always, you're generous with an important ingredient: currants/raisins! :D

    1. Hehe I'll know to put lots of raisins and currants if I ever make this for you!

  2. YUMMMM! What a coincidence because yesterday, I was saying that I should make bread and butter pudding!!! :D hehe this recipe looks fantastic!!!!!

  3. I like bread pudding.

  4. This looks so so yum and so easy. Vouched as your family favorite, I must try it soon. Bookmarking it.

  5. Bread and butter pudding was one of my grandma's favourite dishes to make.

  6. I like the bread and butter pudding at Haute Food Co., espeically the peanut butter one. But they've closed..

  7. Hi Baby Sumo, your bread pudding look delicious. I love it with extra raisins.

    Have a nice weekend.

  8. Using whole wheat bread instead white sounds better and more substantial ! I love it :)

  9. Hi Yen! My family loves B&B pudding too! We usually use croissant for the bread... Would love to try this version too!

  10. Hi Yen,

    I remember eating lots of B&B pudding when I was living in UK for 2 months... I don't remember if they are soggy or not... As a student that time, everything foreign was just delicious... LOL!

    Now living in Melbourne, I don't eat much B&B pudding anymore. Being not a student anymore, I guess that there must be too much to choose and eat now... LOL!

    So sweet of you to perfect your husband's fav childhood dessert. He must be touched.


  11. Looks delicious! Agree wholemeal is healthier..

  12. Bread pudding is one of my favorites. Looks delicious

  13. I am not an overall fan of bread puddings, but my kids are! I think that they will love this!

  14. very much a simple but delicious dessert! I love another version of this made with croissant! :)

  15. This looks really yummy!I will try this over the weekend:))

  16. This looks really yummy!I will try this over the weekend:))

  17. Looks good! I've got to give this recipe a go for my boys as they love pudding it seems. Actually they love everything bread so I'm definitely sure they'll be delighted to eat this healthy pudding for snack!

  18. I am gonna try this ... ;) thanks for sharing ;)


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