
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Recipe: Cucumber Buttermilk Soup With Dill (Martha Stewart)

Depending on how many courses and how many people you have to cook for on Christmas Day, preparing the food can be a daunting task. I already have my menu planned - as always, we will be splitting 5-6 courses throughout the day to make it an easier task for me. Usually for lunch, we would serve a soup course. I have a recipe here for cucumber buttermilk soup which only takes 10 minutes to prepare and does not require any cooking at all. And since it is served cold, it will work very well in our hot Malaysian climate.

Christmas Idea #3

Cucumber buttermilk soup with dill

I read somewhere that English cucumbers are much more flavorful, but since I can only get a few types here, I settled for the Japanese cucumber. All you need to do is blend the cucumber with buttermilk. You can either use store-bought buttermilk or make your own using full cream milk and lemon juice (it only takes 5 minutes). The buttermilk gives the soup its creamy texture, but I also added 2 extra tablespoons of yogurt to make it even creamier. Add some diced/sliced cucumber on top for texture. I also topped it with some fresh dill (from our herb garden) since dill and cucumber goes very well together.

This is a light and refreshing soup, and easy to make. You can serve this with some small bites. Christmas lunch sorted... no stress! You can even make this a day in advance and refridgerate it.

Cucumber buttermilk soup
Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 4

2 Japanese cucumber, peeled, halved, and seeded, plus thin cucumber rounds, for serving
2 cup buttermilk
Coarse salt and ground pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil, for serving
2 tbsp yogurt (optional)
Dill, to garnish

1. To make buttermilk using milk, simply place 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice in a measuring jug, then pour milk until the 1 cup mark. Leave for 5 minutes for the milk to curdle. Alternatively, you can also whisk whipping cream with an electric whisk until it separates into buttermilk and butter (which you can reserve for other uses).

2. Roughly chop 1 1/2 cucumbers. Dice remaining cucumber and also slice a few pieces of cucumber rounds for garnishing.

3. Place roughly chopped cucumber in a blender with buttermilk and blend until smooth, for about 1 minute. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Divide soup among four bowls and stir in diced cucumber. To serve, top with cucumber rounds, a drizzle of oil, and more pepper, if desired.


I am submitting this to the "Cook Like Martha Stewart" bloghop which I am co-hosting with Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Jocelyn of Riceball Eats. To join, simply cook or bake any recipe from any Martha Stewart websites or cookbooks and blog hop with us for the whole month of December 2012.

Your post must be a current post i.e. posted in December 2012 - please do not link older posts.Please mention Cook like a Star in your post and link back to Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Jocelyn of Riceball Eats and Baby Sumo of Eat your heart out.

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Happy cooking! Do check out the other bloggers recipe below:


  1. cucumber milk?er. ew? :P hahahah!

    1. Haha it's not everyone's cuppa tea but u have to try it at least once ;P

  2. Nice! A unique kinda of soup...hehe =)

  3. phew, i'm glad i'm not cooking for christmas!

  4. A lovely bowl of soup! Simple and not too rich, just perfect for a lovely lunch!

  5. This is definitely a interesting soup and super easy too

  6. Interesting and refreshing! And easy to make too. :D

  7. This is an interesting soup, cucumber and buttermilk!

  8. Phew, I'm glad I don't have to cook for Christmas! Am sure your menu will be magnificent! :D

  9. Hi Baby Sumo, interesting comfort soup. Good for light lunch. Excellent click!

    Have a nice week ahead.

  10. very interesting soup..light and fresh

  11. I could never bring myself to like cold soup. I can imagine how refreshing it is though, I just don't like cucumber much. Hehe

  12. what a simple and sweet recipe! I did think of making gazpacho for this christmas... maybe I ll make this one.. less ingredients... hehe :)

  13. Hi Yen,

    This soup sounds really amazing to me. 10 min to make this soup! Light and refreshing! Wow! 100% agreed that this will be a great stress-free entertaining entrees.


  14. my favorite martha steward recipe is the chicken stock one, where one of the ingredients - "12 cups (two 48-ounce cans) canned low-sodium chicken broth"

  15. One day I won't be surprised to see "Cooking with Yen" at the local book store! Thanks for some awesome ideas :D

  16. Great comforting refreshing soup! Love to try this recipe! Looks & sounds delightful! YUM! :)

  17. The soup looks very summery! Something like a gazpacho? Certainly very refreshing and cooling!


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