
Friday, October 19, 2012

Recipe: Korean Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi bokkeumbap)

Kimchi fried rice, also known as kimchi bokkeumbap is a popular dish from South Korea. The primary ingredients are mature kimchi and rice, along with other available ingredients such as diced vegetables or meat. This is an extremely tasty dish you can prepare in under 30 minutes.

Mature kimchi is used as it gives more flavour and body to the dish as opposed to freshly made kimchi. I had some mature kimchi sitting in my fridge, which I have used to make tuna kimchi jjigae last month, and this month I made my version of kimchi fried rice with prawns and egg. I have presented it in 2 different manners - one with a sunny side egg, and another as an omurice (omelette wrapped kimchi rice) for Baby C. 

Kimchi fried rice with sunny side egg

The spiciness level of your kimchi fried rice depends on your kimchi (how much gochugaru is used when making the kimchi). Ours is not too spicy, hence our kids can enjoy this with us too. This is a refreshing change from the ordinary Chinese fried rice. The list of ingredients you can put in your kimchi fried rice is endless. You can use pork, beef, chicken or even go meatless, using mushroom, carrot or zucchini. And I love how colourful the plates of fried rice looks!

Omurice for Baby C

Leftover rice is usually used to make kimchi fried rice. However, if you prefer not to use leftover rice, then cook your rice one hour before you want to prepare this dish and let it cool and dry out a little. Loosen the rice grains with a spatula before you start cooking your kimchi fried rice.

Fluffy grains of rice

Of cos a runny yolk makes this kimchi fried rice much better!

Here's wishing you all a very happy weekend! :)

Kimchi fried rice (Kimchi bokkeumbap)
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Cooking time: 10 - 12 minutes
Serves 2-3

1 1/2 cup rice
9 prawns, deveined with tail intact
200g kimchi, cut into small pieces (1 x 1cm)
1 shallot, finely chopped
1 medium onion, cubed
1/2 red chilli, thinly sliced
3 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 tsp chicken stock granules

To garnish
Option 1 - 1 egg, for fried egg (per person)
Option 1 - 3 Chinese cabbage, leaf part only
Option 2 - 2 eggs, for omelette (per person)
1 spring onion, sliced thinly
1/2 red chilli, thinly sliced
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

Mature kimchi usually has a deeper hue

Peeled prawns

1.Cook rice one hour before starting to cook your kimchi fried rice. Allow to cool and dry out a little by spreading on a large tray. Otherwise, you can also use overnight rice.

2. In a large wok over high heat, add the cooking oil, garlic and shallot and cook for 2 minutes until lightly browned. Then, add the onion and cook for another minute.

3. Add the rice and kimchi and stir fry for 2 minutes, until well mixed and rice is fragrant. Add the prawns and red chilli and cook for 1 minute or until the prawn flesh changes to an orange hue. Season with the chicken stock granules. Remove from heat.

4. Option 1 - To serve: Place Chinese cabbage leaf on plate. Using a small rice bowl, fill with kimchi fried rice, overturn the bowl onto the cabbage leaf to get a nice mound. Top with fried egg and garnish with fresh red chillies and spring onion.

Option 2 - Place omelette on a plate. Then place some rice in the centre of the omelette and then roll to form a long strip. Garnish with spring onion and chilli strips.

Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe Kimchi fried rice recipe
Full set of photos can be viewed on my Facebook page here.

*This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 22 Oct 2012.

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  1. Ooo...tat runny egg makes everything fine =)

    Btw nice touch of decor on d omurice...hahaha =)

    1. Thanks! Not only adults like to eat with their eyes, kids also prefer food that are nicely decored ;)

  2. Dear Baby Sumo,

    Looks like you have tucked little baby prawn nicely into bed with an egg doona and prawn pillow! You've given him some chilli and shallot toys to play with too!

    Looks bloody awesome and love that gooey egg yolk food porn shot!!

    1. Thanks for the compliment. Glad you like how the omurice is decorated ;)

  3. Yen's Recipe! ;D agree with KC! The moment you pierce the yolk, the runny-orangy fluid flows down , it reminds me of The Fountain of Joy! ;DDD Joy spill through me like how the yolk spill through the rice! XD

    Baby C & D love it? Of course, because the vital ingredient is not the kim chi; but the love ,patience and time of their super-mom used to prepare this simple-yet-heart-warming fried rice. Hoho... ^^

    1. Baby D didn't eat since he was taking his nap, but Baby C likes it. :)

  4. Never liked kimchi but I saw this kimchi fried rice in the menu at a cafe here that night and I was so tempted to try...but in the end, I did not. Perhaps I would go back there again one of these days and give it a shot.

    1. It's a bit like Chinese fried rice but with added kimchi. Mature kimchi has a sourish tinge, so this is quite appetizing.

  5. Yums, love kimchi fried rice... SOmetimes the kimchi i buy is not spicy enough so end up having to add alot!!

    1. Mich, you are so talented in cooking, so I think you should make your own kimchi! It's not difficult at all, and u can control how spicy you want it:

  6. yeah, luv this! i sometimes out pineapples too if i happen to have that in my kitchen. kimchi in omelette not a bad idea!

    1. Oh I love adding pineapples when I make fried rice too, not with kimchi before. Shd try it ;)

  7. Looks delicious! I love kimchi and this is a perfect satisfying meal!

    1. Thanks Joyce. I think most kids like to eat fried rice, so it's a great meal to cook them.

  8. awesome looking meal, and that egg, superb execution!

    1. Thanks KY! Need to cook in very low heat (quite time consuming) but hey, at least we get a perfect fried egg.

  9. long time didn't have this~ U using Japanese rice? Fat & short grain~

    1. Oooo you're so observant. Yeah I used Sumo brand calrose rice. ;)

  10. I like both version! I always love food with fried egg on top, but I grew up with omurice so that's hard to miss. :) Both looks absolutely delicious and I have been meaning to try kimchi fried rice for a long time too! Have a great weekend!

    1. I was hesitant about making kimchi fried rice for my daughter at first as I was worried it would be too "spicy" for her, but she likes it, so I can make it more often now ;)

  11. The plating is gorgeous... not only you are a good cook but a creative stylish too.

    1. Thanks! I guess going for all those fine dining meals paid off LOL!

  12. I think your daughter can eat more chilli than I, hahaha! Long long time ago, I love to watch Korean series & eating white rice with kimchi, just like those actresses in the series! I'm missing it so much. I like your omelette rice where there is a prawn head sticking out, so funny!

    1. Hehe the prawn got the cuteness factor, if my daughter thinks it looks nice, then she will eat all her food ;)

  13. beautiful-looking recipe. and i'm still quite an idiot when it comes to kimchi, cos all of it tastes the same to me! i need to go for a kimchi appreciation class :D

    1. Usually the freshly made kimchi is a bright red colour and once it matures, it's more towards maroon-brown colour and has a sourish tinge to it. I think most restaurants serve fresh kimchi as ban chan and mature ones are usually used in cooking.

  14. I SO have to make this! I love fried rice and adding a Korean/kimchi aspect to it would be fantastic! :D

    1. I hope you like it! I'm sure you will do a fantastic job!

  15. Dang ! lol That looks really good ! The runny egg makes me sigh :D Your presentation looks fantastic !

    1. Thanks Anne! I feel really happy cooking for my family ;) Want to make them nice tasting and looking food.

  16. the prawn head peeking out is just too cute! :P

  17. i'm yr new blog's a great blog; it's fun & colorful and not all too technical on cooking....every time i read what you cook, it'd just sparked off that dormant 'chef' in me....haha. As i also have 2 kids, i love how it all connects for both adults and kids. Thanks for inspiring and keep it up!

    1. Hi there, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I believe in cooking simple, nutritious and healthy dishes... am happy to share my recipes with you all :)

  18. Loved the beautiful presentation...looks so so yummy

  19. Yummmm...looks good. Tried kimchi once, very long time ago at a Korean restaurant here...didn't like it. Maybe I should try again since it seems it is very popular, a lot of people love it.


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