
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Awfully Chocolate @ ION Orchard, Singapore

After lunch at Iggy's, we walked over to ION Orchard to walk off our lunch. We stumbled upon Awfully Chocolate after a bit of walking. This little cake shop sells all things chocolate, including their signature dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate fudge, the only cake they sold when they started their business. How bold, but it worked since they now have more than 15 franchises around Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. 

The menu is pretty small, but I wanted to try EVERYTHING they had to offer. But my stomach ain't big enough :P There are cupcakes, ice cream, Kahlua bars, chocolate banana cake and chocolate rum and cherry cake! Anyway two cakes/creations caught my attention,the white chocolate butterscotch block and cold poached chocolate.

Can I have whole block please?

Cold poached chocolate

Kahlua bars

Rich chocolate cupcakes

Since their outlet in ION Orchard does not have any seating, we bought the goodies that we wanted and hurried back to the hotel to eat it. But before that, some photos first of cos :P

Born in Singapore, made by hand

The cold poached chocolate (S$5.60) is a soft rich dark cold chocolate invention created using their cold poaching methods, topped with a choice of cream. We went for the Kahlua cream (S$1.50) topping. It was indeed rich and indulgent, and although I am a huge chocolate fan, I would really struggle to finish this on my own.

Cold poached chocolate with Kahlua cream

After trying the white butterscotch block, I am in love with it. This is the perfect combination of the sweet chocolate and sweet-salty butterscotch with a dark chocolate swiss roll. Everything just went so well together. We went for a 100g slab (it is made as a huge block and they cut off as much as you want as it is charged per 100g), I found this to be very much lighter than the cold poached chocolate and I wouldn't mind eating more of this!

White chocolate butterscotch block (S$6.50 per 100g)

Verdict: Love the white chocolate butterscotch block... it's absolutely heavenly.

Check out all their products here.

Service: Good.

Price: S$13.30.

Location: Awfully Chocolate, ION Orchard, 2 Orchard Turn #B4-50Singapore 238801

Tel: (+65) 6884 6377

Nearest MRT: Orchard.


  1. Tried them years ago. Didn't manage to go for their cakes but their ice cream was awesome!

  2. WOW! Heaven!! Guess I will not be able to decide what to choose. Bring the whole shop back! hahaha...

  3. Their cakes are addictive... is there a branch in Malaysia?

  4. awfully chocolate. what a name...
    chocolates is my best buddies...

  5. Wahhhhh... this is awfully very sinful! But I LIKE =D

    1. Hehe too bad the franchise hasn't reached KL yet!

  6. The white chocolate butterscotch block looks really great. I want a slice too!

  7. I'm so having this when I go to SG soon. Wanted to try during my last visit, but the queue was too long and I was pressed for time.

    1. Oh got queue one ah? Then we must be very lucky since we were the only one in line at ION Orchard outlet. :P

  8. omigosh, droool ... what a great name for a shop, and what a great-looking cold-poached chocolate. it's like my ideal dessert, creamy and rich all the way through! i bet i'd love the kahlua bar too, cos that looks sooooo decadent!

    1. I knew you would like the cold poached chocolate, I rmbr u saying before that you like you cakes with lots and lots of cream.

  9. That white choc butterscotch wins hands down! Such sweet indulgence!

  10. I wonder how you can stuff so much desserts in your tummy and yet still looking great!!!! But the chocolate doesn't look VERY appealing.. ;P I prefer those kind of confectionery that's totally dark-brown(as you can easily judge that this is heavy-loaded with chocolate/cacao) ~ Yummm~~~

    1. I think they use cocoa above 70% here, the cold poached chocolate is really rich.

  11. i missed out this one during my last trip!
    almost get to try this. but then went for udders instead. haih

  12. Hahahahaha the conclusion from reviewing this blog post and the last suggests NOT everyone loves steak, BUT everyone LOVES chocolate !!

    1. That's so true! What if I put chocolate sauce on steak?

  13. How can awefully and chocolate be in the same sentence!? Looks too delicious. :-)

  14. The white chocolate butterscotch block looks so light and fluffy! I think I'd go for this too :)

    1. Too bad we won't have it in KL or else it would be my weekly indulgence ;)

  15. Yummy Yumm Yumm.. Very tasty... Thanks for sharing.. :)

    heineken beer

  16. Those desserts look mouthwatering ! I think there's a branch here in HK :D Forget it , Anne ! lol

    1. WOW lucky you! Then you must go and try it! *planting thoughts in yr head*

  17. Baby,

    I saw one near my house, plan to try but my colleague told me very expensive :(

    1. It's not bad lah, if you go to Canele or TWG the price is also the same.

  18. love all the recipes and the pictures.

  19. Wow sounds like such a sinful place to be!! Loved the name ..awfully chocolate

    1. I know... everything in the counter looks so good!

  20. I want to have them all just like you, who can resist!!!

  21. Lead me not into temptation... LOL!!!!


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