
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Recipe: Natural Cough-Control Tea

Last week, we bought some fresh herbs and started a herb garden. I am very pleased with the herb garden since there are just so many things I can do with them. One of the herbs that we got was sage.

While looking for ways to use sage, a useful recipe that I found on Martha Stewart's website was for a natural cough-control tea recommended by Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., director of education at the University of Arizona's Program in Integrative Medicine. This tea features thyme, which alleviates chest congestion and supports respiratory function, along with throat-soothing honey, sage (which can relive sore throat and may help ease colds, coughs and excess mucous), and vitamin-C-rich lemon.

 The comments on the recipe were encouraging, so I decided to try this since Baby C has been suffering from cough and cold on and off. Since drinking this tea, I have not heard her coughing. Hopefully this tea is helping! ;)

Sage leaves from our garden - Salvia officinalis (garden sage, common sage)

Sage is quite a bitter leaf, so don't steep it for too long. The recommended time is 15 minutes. This is a really lovely and soothing tea (even if it doesn't help with the cough) - the honey sweetens the tea and the lemon juice and zest gives it a nice zing. Both our kids love it (plus the fact that it's served in these cute little cups). So, the next time you have a cough, give this a try - if you can't get your hands on fresh sage or thyme, you can also use dried herbs.

Natural Cough-Control Tea
Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart
Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Serves 2

500ml boiling water
Juice and zest from 1 large lemon
4-5 fresh sage leaf (or 2 tsp dried)
1 tsp dried thyme
2 1/2 tbsp of honey 

1. Place sage, thyme and lemon zest in a coffee press and pour hot water over it. Cover and steep for 15 minutes.

2. Strain tea, then add the lemon juice and honey (to taste).

3. Drink two to three cups daily for cough relief. For children, it is sufficient to give them this once a day.

Will be sharing more ways to use sage in due course ;)

Note: In December 2012, I will be co-hosting "Cook like a Star" event, this time featuring Martha Stewart. To join, all you need to do is cook a recipe by Martha Stewart and post it in December 2012. I hope that you guys can join us in this bloghop. :)

*This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 24 October 2012.

Full set of photos can be viewed on my Facebook page here.


  1. Oooo...such a pretty and dainty lady, your girl!!!

  2. an herb garden! i'm ashamed to say that the only thing growing on my balcony is mold! i really should borrow some inspiration from you, clear out the mold and start planting sage and rosemary! :D

    1. The herb garden is one of the best investments I made this year. :) Been using it a lot in my cooking. You can get one of those herbs with nice scent, like peppermint or lemon balm, can use in your tea (no cooking required) :)

  3. They should serve this at theatres and at the opera! :P And the doctor's name is such an unusual one! :)

    1. Haha! I noticed that too, ppl seem to love coughing in theatres. :P

  4. You're welcome, hope it comes in handy for you.

  5. Now when life serves you lemons - TEA is an option :-)

  6. I wish I can grow a herb garden...but there is no balcony at my apartment. Guess I just have to contend myself with dried herbs for now.

    1. I think some herbs can grow if u put it next to the window where it can get some sunlight.

  7. Thanks for sharing this, I shall go and grow some sage as well...

    1. It has been a really useful herb for us so far, I've used it almost everyday. Hopefully it can regenerate fast enough! :P

  8. thks for sharing this recipe! will try this out too... I used to steamed Chinese pear (skin removed) with rock sugar for coughs... but since I love lemons... the recipe is perfect for me!

    1. This is an easy tea, I make it in the evenings after our dinner, then we drink it after we get back from our evening walk. :)

  9. Hi Baby Sumo, thanks for sharing the cough remedies. Your girl look so lovely and cute. :)

    Have a nice week ahead.

  10. Awww look at that pretty princess. Loved the fact that you have a herb garden

  11. The blog is really interesting thank you for sharing such a amazing blog.


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