
Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to Cook the Perfect Poached Egg (MasterChef)

I love having poached eggs for breakfast. If I see Eggs Benedict on the menu in a restaurant/cafe, I would order it without fail. Same goes to when we're on holiday and the hotel breakfast offers poached eggs or Eggs Benedict, I would have that everyday during our stay (for example, when we were staying at Cameron Highlands Resort I had it for breakfast both days).

For me, poached eggs has this magical allure - I love poking the egg yolk and watching it run down the sides. Mmmmm, foodporn indeed!

Last year, when I was in the Malaysia Blogger MasterChef competition, I learnt how to cook my first poached egg using the whirlpool method. After the competition, I got back in my kitchen and started making poached eggs more and more often, but using the Delia Smith method. This worked for us - but what you get is one that looks like a soft "fried egg".

The theme for September 2012's "Cook Like a Star" which I am co-hosting is MasterChef. So, for my first Cook Like a MasterChef post, I will be sharing with you the methods of making the perfect poached egg! This method is used by former MasterChef Australia contestant, Alana Lowes (post here).

The perfect poached egg! 

Alana uses the whirlpool method - using a whirlpool helps the egg hold its shape when it first enters the water. The resulting poached eggs looks just like the ones you get in the restaurants and hotels. I practiced everyday, until I got the perfect poached egg. And boy, was I delighted!

Practice does make perfect.. ;)

The key here is to use really fresh eggs. It is hard to tell how long the eggs have been sitting in the carton on the supermarket shelves. Just to demonstrate how important it is to use fresh eggs, look at Day 3's photo - I used eggs which I have just purchased and these were the ones that turned out really perfect! The eggs also need to be at room temperature - believe me, cos I tried it with eggs that came out straight from the fridge and it didn't hold its shape properly when it hit the whirlpool.

So for my dear readers who have been asking me how to cook the perfect poached eggs, do try this method and remember, the more you practice the better you get at it. (I ate poached eggs for a whole week for breakfast just because I wanted to get it right!) If you do try this at home, do let me know how it goes for you.

My most loyal guinea pig customer can't wait to eat his poached eggs

The perfect poached egg
Adapted from MasterChef Australia

You need:
A fresh egg
White vinegar
Slotted spoon

1. Crack the egg into a small ramekin or small bowl. It is easier to slip the egg into the simmering water later.

2. Fill a small saucepan with approximately 4 inches of water and bring to a gentle simmer over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water, it will help the eggs whites set.

3. Using a tablespoon, swirl the water making a whirlpool (as if you are drawing circles in the water). Gently tip the egg into the centre of the whirlpool and watch the magic of the swirl work. As the egg hits the whirlpool, the egg white will enclose around the yolk and form a neat tight round. (If your eggs are not fresh or not at room temperature, then this is when it will fail and won't enclose properly)

4. Allow the egg to cook for 2-3 minutes or until the yolk is cooked to your liking. Gently lift out the egg using a slotted spoon and give it a little wobble. The egg white should be just cooked (no more translucent white). Remove with a slotted spoon and rest the spoon on kitchen paper for few seconds to absorb any excess water.

5. Serve immediately. I like serving it with toast and asparagus for breakfast or topping it on my pasta for lunch. Once you can do the perfect poached eggs, you can put it on almost anything and everything!


And watch it flow, watch it flow, watch it flow..



The theme for September 2012's "Cook Like a Star" is MasterChef. To join, simply cook or bake any recipe (from the contestants, judges or even sponsors) from any MasterChef websites or cookbooks (any countries) and blog hop with us for the whole month of September 2012.

Your post must be a current post i.e. posted in September 2012 - please do not link older posts.

Please mention Cook like a Star in your post and link back to Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Anuja of Simple Baking and Baby Sumo of Eat your heart out.

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Happy cooking! Do check out the other bloggers recipe below:

*This post was retweeted by Alana Lowes on Twitter ;)

Full set of photos can be viewed on my Facebook page here. 


  1. Perfect! Just like poached egg that we get from the restaurant. Good job Baby Sumo :)

    1. Thank you! You must try with this method too, ok?

  2. a poached egg a day keeps the blues away! :D

    1. True that! I love waking up to poached eggs. Definitely makes my day a brighter one.

  3. I tried this method too, but my whites went everywhere!! If only i have the patience like you to keep trying everyday. :)

    1. I suspect the egg is not fresh enough if that happens. Or did u not put enough vinegar? Try again, ok? ;) I also experienced that before in the past, but practice makes perfect! (Hehe I'm going to keep saying this)

  4. I like to poke the egg and see the yolk flows, it looks so yummy. Maybe I should practise at home too. :P

    1. Hehe maybe u and Kenny shd have a contest - see who can make the nicest poached egg. The winner gets erm.... peanut butter cookies or brownies from me! :D

  5. one of the simpler things in life which are so good when done right!

    looks beautiful!

    1. Thanks!! Am so glad that I have finally mastered it, can make it whenever I feel like it now :) And best of all, the kids will benefit from it.

  6. I remember Alana,the beautiful Australia Masterchef's contestant. Just now I pop over to her blog to see how she did it. The picture of that pot of hot water didn't look like "gentle simmer" but it looked like boil in high heat, haha! All your poached eggs were cooked to my perfection point. Foodporn, I love the word that you used to describe the poached egg!

    1. Yeah I think she used high heat, hence her eggs cooked in 1-2 mins. I used medium heat, so my eggs took abt 2-3 mins to cook. I am happy that I can poach it properly, just like the ones we get in the restaurants. :)

  7. I love any form and of course, I love poached eggs too! Ya, must be fresh and at room temperature...not straight out from the fridge.

  8. OOOh Alana was one of my favs.
    All your poached eggs looks perfect and I just love the clicks with the yolk running out...beautiful!!

    1. Thanks Anuja, your MasterChef kebab looks great too! So happy that we're cooking like MasterChefs this month. I'm glad that now I can make nice poached eggs. :)

  9. I've tried to make poach eggs once, but the swirling is done after the egg is drop into the water. didn't turn out so nice, didn't try again because i'm don't quite like runny yolk. something about it just makes me shiver.. haha. like you said, practice makes perfect. i've got to try your method again. thanks for your tips!

    1. Ah if you dont like runny yolk, then u shd try onsen tamago. Almost solid yolk but runny white.

  10. Me too, can't resist any food with egg :)

    1. Then you should try this, ya! I'm sure Sam will like it.

  11. a good article...will remember how to make this in future :)

  12. I love eating eggs since my diet requires it, at least 3 times a week. All your poach eggs look perfect to me. I love the last picture where the yolk flowing it's way out, so tempting! I wanna have some for breakfast now. Happy hosting & wish you a wonderful weekend! :)

    1. Thank u so much Kit! I hope to see your MasterChef posts too, hope you will join us!

  13. Looks good, and thanks for sharing the method!! Will link up my pies soon, by tomorrow or Monday!

    1. You're welcome. And look fwd to your posts cos your description on whatsapp the other day sounds delicious.

    2. Btw the inlinkz is not working today, so dont worry too much if u dont see it appearing. Not sure what's the problem, maybe server overload.

  14. Your family are so lucky to have you cooking these perfect poached eggs for them. Now, I have to practise my egg poaching too :p

    Happy that I'm hosting this event with Anuja and you and nice to know that we are all big fans of Masterchef :D

    1. It's a great skill to brush up on since my kids love runny eggs. I was so determined to get it right for my first "Cook Like a MasterChef" posting. LOL.

  15. Ooh I love poached eggs. Nice touch with the asparagus. Substitute the bread for a wholemeal version and it would be one of my fav brekkies. :-)

    1. Thanks! We love poached eggs on almost everything ;)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. oh i like this recipe..feel like trying it tomorrow...any specific type of white vinegar?or any type will do?any specific brand?

    1. Hi Cindy, I just used those normal white vinegar... around RM2 per bottle. I didn't try with any other vinegar so not sure if it will work, but I assume it will.

      Please let me know how it turns out. Good luck!

  18. you ARE the perfect masterchef.. and that is the perfect poached egg! :D

    1. Hahahahha so kind of you! (cannot sleep tonight edi ;P)

  19. THANKS FOR SHARING !!! I would love to make my own pouch egg starting tmr! eheh!!

    1. OK dont bluff me ah! Heheheh I wanna see photo as proof. LOL!

  20. thanks for tips.. my poached eggs turns out to be quite good even it's my 1st attempt. Love it!

    1. Oh thanks for trying it. Glad it worked for you too ;)

  21. Replies
    1. Done my entry! Check out the link below in case if need any thing to add.

      Thank you!

  22. I love poached eggs with a runny yolk. They're incredible! And good for you for mastering this method! :D

    1. Thanks! I'm also gonna try the cling wrap method from your blog (saw it the other day!)

  23. I've never successfully made a poached egg so this is perfect! Will try it out! :D

    1. Once you know the right method, it should be easy! Here's wishing you luck!

  24. Its so easy to make poached eggs yet I have no idea how can restaurants still get it wrong.

    1. Well, maybe they've not been taught how to do it properly. And I think it's different when u have to cook for the masses, sometimes they forget to watch it for a min and the yolk will get overcooked. It's an easy thing to do when u know how, but not so easy if you don't know.

  25. Yummy!

    If I get out of bed ... early ... tmrw... might just give the eggs a whirl.....

  26. Ahhh poached eggs! I've not tried making it before... really hope to try it out soon! Yours looks so perfect and delicious!

    1. Thanks Jasline, do share with me the results.. I would love to see how your poached eggs turn out.

  27. Hi Baby Sumo,
    The other day when you posted this I have drop by to have a look but did not manage to leave comments. My boys love poach egg but their mummy always din know how to make a prefect one..LoL
    With your recipe and instruction, now i know how to do it right! I should have make the whirlpool first and not after i pour the egg into the water..:p
    Thanks so much for sharing Baby Sumo..^^

    1. If you have time, then please show me a photo of it. You can email it to me at Am always happy when someone tries out my recipe, even a simple one.

      Congrats, and your children will get to enjoy your beautiful poached eggs from now on.

  28. My husband will definitely love this and want me to learn. great job

  29. oh man! the last (3rd one is really perfect!) Practice makes perfect!


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