
Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010: Roast striploin with roast potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots and brocolli

Now, for the main meal of the day, it had to be a roast. Turkey is a no-no since Hubby does not particularly like turkey. Chicken would be the easiest alternative but the last few times I made it in KL, I found the meat not as moist as I like it to be. So, it was between lamb and beef, and the final decision would be made once I had a look at what was available in the supermarket.

While we were browsing the meat section at Cold Storage, I spotted a striploin roll and was instantly drawn to it. But the price was surprisingly 3 times what we usually pay for our roasting joint! After a brief discussion with the butcher we deduced it was a different cut than our usual and since it was Christmas, we decided to splurge and get it anyway as a treat.

Roast striploin with roast potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots and brocolli

The Christmas Menu that I created

The recommended cooking time on the packaging was 5 minutes per 100g of meat in a preheated oven at 180°C. And the result was a gorgeous medium rare beef. Instead of slicing it thinly like we usually do, we sliced the meat in 1/3 inch thickness. The extra we paid for the striploin was justified as I felt the meat was much more tender and also juicier.

Best of all, I had very satisfied dinner guests who couldn't stop gushing about the meal... what more could I ask for?

Our Christmas Dinner spread

Hubby carving the meat. I hoped the meat was cooked to medium rare doneness

Medium rare it was!

Roast potatoes (recipe here)

Steamed carrots and brocolli

I ♥ brussel sprouts but they're so expensive here in KL!

Our delicious roast dinner

What's Christmas without some champagne? A little Christmas "spirit"

My favorite bubbly, Moet & Chandon.

Santa wants a piece of the Moet action too

For my recipe on how to cook roast beef, click here.

We were hoping that there would be some leftovers so Hubby could make stovies the following day, but the beef was so good, it all ended up in our tummy! Btw, I will be posting the recipe for our Christmas dessert, tiramisu, in the New Year.

Thank you for following my blog and for all your encouraging comments throughout the year.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! See you in 2011. xoxo


  1. wow, can i be your hubby too? :) he's one lucky guy!

  2. I love brussel sprouts! They remind me of mini cabbages. I actually find the bittersweet taste quite interesting. :D

  3. Wow. The color of the roast looks very pro:) well done and happy new year.
    Fr js.

  4. I laughed out loud last night when I read the line about the brussel sprout leaf on

    It seems that Baby Sumo is not the only one who is surprised by the market price of the humble brussel sprout in KL :-)

    Chef Georg Schroppel Lafite @ Shangri-La Hotel KL quite possibly blew his budget on wagyu beef, white truffle oil/foam and dry ice leaving himself only enough RM to get a brussel leaf rather than whole brussel sprouts to accompany the main course.

    (joking aside the spread a LaFite looked awsome)

  5. Augustdiners: You can always get one of your chefs to whip up something like this for you :)

    Michelle: Pity they're so expensive, so can't have them all the time.

    Anon: Thanks! Happy New Year to u too.


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