
Friday, May 12, 2017

Cooking Made Easy, with Prego

Pasta is definitely a staple ingredient in our home. Mention pasta for dinner, and you will see our kids eyes light up in happiness. All the better for mummy, as pasta is one of the easiest things to cook in the kitchen.

With pasta sauces easily available these days, making pasta at home is made even easier and more convenient. Prego sauces are one of our favorites as they are deliciously thick and rich, perfectly balanced in taste, and can be prepared in 3-easy steps (as easy as 1.2.3).

A couple of weekends ago, with a little bit of teamwork from Hubby and BabySumoKids, we prepared two pasta dishes for our whole family in under 20 minutes. Hubby and Baby C made a macaroni dish using the Prego Cheese and Herb sauce, while Baby D and I formed another team to make a pasta dish using the new Cheesy Alfredo Sauce.

Prego sauces are Halal certified by Jakim and usually come in cans or jars (small 350g or large 680g). Each can or jar of sauce comes with a cooking suggestion at the back of the can which I found to be very helpful - ie it tells you which type of pasta as well as meat / seafood / vegetable goes best with the sauce. The kids helped measure out the pasta and with some supervision, they can also help stir the sauces ... yes, pasta preparation can be a great bonding activity with your kids and time well-spent learning and having fun together as a family.

The new pasta sauces from Prego - Cheesy Alredo, Chicken Mushroom and Black Pepper

BabySumoKids love helping out in the kitchen

Hubby had no problems at all with his macaroni preparation and it came together beautifully. To cook, simply saute the chicken chunks, until they are cooked through, then pour the sauce over the chicken, loosening slightly with some water, and then simmering for 5 minutes. Then, add the macaroni to it and voila! As you can see, cooking pasta with Prego sauce is very easy indeed! If Hubby can do it, you can do it too.

Similarly, the Cheesy Alfredo Pasta was easy and quick to put together. I first sauteed the king prawns in some olive oil and once they are cooked, take them off the heat and set aside. Using the same pan, saute the minced garlic and add the Cheesy Alfredo Sauce, some water and simmer for 5 minutes. The recipe suggests adding extra lime juice to the sauce, however I found the sauce to be flavourful and tangy enough, so I omitted this step. Toss the spaghetti in the cooked sauce and top with freshly chopped basil and cooked prawns. Not only did it look great, it tasted fantastic too.

Thank you Hubby and kids for helping cook this delicious pasta meal for both mummy and Grandma :) (and the rest of the family)

We also tried out two more of Prego's new sauces, launched in March this year - the Chicken Mushroom and Black Pepper. Again, we followed the simple instructions at the back of the can and prepared these two delicious pasta dishes for dinner.

Our kids especially enjoyed the fusilli with creamy Chicken Mushroom sauce. To cook, simply saute the chicken chunks, set aside once cooked. Then, saute the sliced white button mushrooms, add the sauce and simmer for 5 minutes, then finally add in the cooked fusilli. So easy!

Fettucine with black pepper sauce

We really love the creaminess of Prego sauces, which is why we have used them in the past and will continue using them in the future. :)


For Mother's Day this year, Prego will be running a Mother's Day Contest in conjunction with the celebration. Husbands and kids over 16 years old can join in this contest and win a special gift for their beloved mom/wife.

All you need to do is to Whatsapp to Prego (at 017-811 6477) a short video (less than 60s) of yourself telling your mother how much you LOVE and APPRECIATE her by 13/5/17 10am. Make a pledge that you will cook a Prego Pasta meal for her on Mother's Day.

You'd be able to treat your mum to a homecooked pasta meal as well as be in the running to win prizes worth up to RM1,000.  Contest ends 15/5/17 at 2pm, so hurry and join now!

For more information on the contest, please visit Prego Malaysia Facebook Page.

(Note: Contest date has been extended... please visit Prego Malaysia FB page for more details)

*This is a sponsored post. 

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