
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Recipe: Poached egg on avocado toasts

One of the simplest, most satisfying breakfasts that we often had while on holiday in Scotland was poached eggs on avocado toasts. I love how we are able to walk into any supermarkets here and get a ripe avocado, which is ready to eat right away. Unlike in Malaysia where most of the avocados are still green and require a few more days for it to ripen. Furthermore the eggs here are so fresh, that making poached egg is an absolute breeze.

The happiness when cutting into a runny yolk like this! :)

Recipe Vlog

Poached egg on avocado toasts
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: under 10 minutes
Serves 2

4 fresh large free-range eggs (at room temperature)
1 ripe avocado
Lemon juice
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3-4 cherry tomatoes, chopped
4 pieces white bread, toasted

1. Fill a small saucepan about half-full with water and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Bring to the boil over high heat. Once boiling, reduce to a low heat to a bare simmer. Break the eggs into a small bowl and slide into the water. Cook the eggs for 2-3 minutes, until the egg white has set and yolk is cooked to your liking. Once cooked, remove with a slotted spoon and rest the spoon on kitchen paper for few seconds to absorb any excess water.

2. To pit and peel the avocado, first you need to find the stalk and remove it. Hold it horizontally, with a knife through the centre until you hit the seed then move the knife in a circular motion until you go all the away around. Twist the avocado halves in opposite direction and it will come apart easily into 2 halves. Sink the knife into the avocado seed and remove.The avocado skin should peel off easily (use your hands). Slice into long thin strips and set aside. If not using immediately, sprinkle the avocados with some lime juice to avoid discolouration. Another option is to roughly mash the avocado with a fork, then add some chopped cherry tomatoes to it.

3. Lightly toast the bread, then top with avocado, seasoning with salt and pepper and then top with a poached egg. 

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