
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Recipe: Fried Rice with Foie Gras, Tobiko and Prawns

I once had fried rice topped with foie gras at a Chinese restaurant, and enjoyed it - so I told myself I must try to make it if I ever get my hands on some foie. Ever since we discovered a place where we could buy it, we've been experimenting and cooking different dishes with it, and I remembered about the fried rice dish I had.

So, here is my version of fried rice with prawns, topped with foie gras and tobiko. The foie gras is rich and creamy, and the tobiko gives it a subtle saltiness and adds an extra crunchy texture to the dish. With its vibrant "ong" colours, this would be a great rice dish to serve as part of your CNY meal. It is also an auspicious dish in terms of the ingredients used - prawns symbolise laughter and happiness and the fish roe (tobiko) promises abundance for the new year ;)

Fried rice doesn't get any more auspicious than this ;)

Fried rice with foie gras, tobiko and prawns
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves 2

3 cups cooked cold rice, left overnight in fridge
3-4 tbsp cooking oil
3 large eggs
1 1/2 - 2 tbsp light soy sauce
10 king prawns, peeled and deveined, with tails intact
3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp ginger wine
6 French or green beans, chopped

2 pieces Foie gras
Tobiko (or ebiko)
Maldon salt
1/2 cucumber, sliced

1. Marinate the prawns with the ginger wine. Beat the eggs with 1/2 tsp salt.

2. In a wok, heat 1 tbsp oil over medium high heat. Add half the garlic and cook for 1 1/2 minutes until lightly browned. Add the prawns and green beans and cook for 1-2 minutes, until the prawns are cooked through. Season with some salt. Remove prawns and green beans and set aside.

3. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, heat over high heat. Once the pan is very hot, add the foie gras and sear for 1 minute each side. Remove from pan and place on baking tray and place in a preheated oven (180°C roast mode) for 6 minutes.

4. Add the remaining oil and garlic to the wok, then cook for 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Then, add rice, and cook for 3-4 minutes, until the rice is hot and cackling. It is important that the rice is hot so that the egg cooks upon contact with the rice and hence the rice will not end up soggy. Pour in the egg, and cook for a further 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously, until the rice grains look golden and evenly coated with the egg.

5. Add the cooked prawns and green beans and mix well. Taste and season with more soy sauce and salt as required.

6. To serve, place rice in a small bowl, then unmould onto a large plate. Top the fried rice with foie gras, sprinkled with some coarse sea salt such as Maldon, then spoon tobiko all around the rice.

1. You can use the oil from searing the foie in lieu of cooking oil (in Step 4), if you prefer.
2. If you cannot get foie, you can omit it - it tastes just as fantastic.


I am submitting this to the "Cook & Celebrate: CNY 2016" event which I am co-hosting with Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Diana of The Domestic Goddess Wannabe. To join, simply cook or bake any Chinese New Year recipes from 15 January 2016 to 22 February 2016.

Your post must be a current post i.e. posted between 15 Jan to 22 Feb 2016 - please do not link older posts. Please mention our "Cook & Celebrate: CNY 2016" event in your post and link back to Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Diana of The Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Baby Sumo of GoodyFoodies.

Happy cooking! Do check out the other bloggers recipe below:

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