
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Recipe: Tomato Bruschetta

Last week, Hubby suggested that we have an Italian-themed dinner, he was in charge of the starter (tomato bruschetta) while I made the pasta dish. Sounds like a fair barter to me :)

The baguette is sliced and lightly toasted with some olive oil under the hot grill, and then tomato mixture is spooned over it with a light shaving of Parmesan cheese. A simple, classic Italian appetizer - easy to do yet big on flavour. :)

For dessert, we had homemade meringues... not Italian but very delicious! :)

Tomato Bruschetta
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 1-2 minutes
Serves 6

1 loaf baguette
20 cherry tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
6 fresh basil leaves, roughly torn
1 1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
5-6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan, to garnish

1. Place tomatoes, onions, garlic and basil in a large bowl and mix. Add the balsamic vinegar and 3 tablespoon oil as well as salt and pepper, to taste and then mix well.

2. Slice baguette at an angle, about 1.5cm thick, and then drizzle with olive oil. Place under oven grill and lightly toast for 1-2 minutes until crisp to your satisfaction (turn over halfway through so that it's crisp on both sides).

3. Spoon tomato mixture onto the warm bread and grate some Parmesan cheese all over.

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  1. yummy,....maybe will make this for the funland class this weekend :)

  2. I've been following your blog for a while now. Love your recipe posts (especially the western-style dishes). Sometimes something as simple as a tomato bruschetta is the best! ;)

  3. Yen, I love easy to prepare food that tastes good!

  4. hubby's bruschetta looks good ... i'd also rather make the starter compared to the pasta actually! :D

  5. I like bruschetta, simple and very appetizing. :D


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