
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Recipe: Scrambled Egg and Mushroom Wrap

Both Hubby and I are trying to eat more healthily for lunch (especially if we've had a big breakfast like curry laksa and char koay teow *ahem*). Wraps are our current favorite, as it takes minimal time to prepare and tastes hearty and delicious.

Scrambled Egg and Mushroom Wrap

We love eryngii mushrooms as they have this lovely meaty texture and it tastes really awesome if you saute it in a little butter. Pair it with creamy scrambled eggs, rocket and cherry tomatoes and you have a complete lunch :)

Scrambled egg and mushroom wrap
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Makes 3 wraps

4 eggs, lightly beaten
200g eryngii mushrooms, washed and ends trimmed
4 tbsp butter
1 tsp milk
A handful rocket
6 cherry tomatoes, quartered
Salt and freshly ground pepper

1. Cut the mushrooms in half horizontally, then slice thinly. If still too big, cut into half again.

2. In a frying pan, melt 2 tablespoon of butter over medium high heat. Once melted, add the mushrooms and saute for about 2 minutes, until it is slightly golden. Then, season with some salt and freshly ground pepper and set aside on a plate.

3. Using the same frying pan on medium heat, melt 2 tablespoon of butter and then add the eggs. Using a spatula, keep stirring the egg - the eggs will take about 2-3 minutes to cook. You should remove it when it looks 90% done (not too dry) as the heat will continue cooking it even after you take it off the hob. Add a touch of milk. Season with salt and pepper.

4. To assemble, place eggs, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and rocket on a tortilla wrap and roll up. Enjoy!

Messy but satisfying

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  1. Hi Yen,

    This is a big YES for me!!! Love this fast and easy vegetarian wrap :D


  2. What a healthy yet filling snack to munch on! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. it's 12:18 pm now and i'm trying to figure out what to have for lunch ... if only i could order your delicious-looking scrambled egg wrap for delivery! :D

  4. Yen, I love wraps anytime!

  5. This looks healthy AND tastes good too! I'm jealous you can eat curry laksa for breakfast... :)


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