
Monday, May 18, 2015

McDonald's Happy Meal Book Programme

Family time is important to us - a simple act of sitting down and eating dinner together, playing board games together or bedtime storytelling will strengthen our parent-child bond.

Since a young age, one of my favorite past times is reading and I hope to instill the same good reading habits in my children. So, my daughter will read a book with us before bedtime, and on weekends, we would sit at the decking outdoors and enjoy a book together.  Even when we visit the shopping malls, the children will ask us to bring them to the bookshop to browse, read and buy new story books.

My book collection - yes, I love reading! :)

We were excited to learn via McDonald's Facebook page, that they have launched a Happy Meal Book Programme. This programme is introduced to encourage family togetherness and celebrate the joy of reading. It also aims to strengthen family units by engaging them in fun reading. It is crucial to encourage children to start reading from young in order to build a literate nation.

This month, every Happy Meal box comes with a free book from the Watch Me Grow series by renowned publisher, DK Publishing.  There are a total of 8 books to collect - titles include Penguin, Apes, Butterfly, Elephant, Turtle, Human Body, Panda and Art & Culture. Two titles are featured every week until 27 May 2015.

With our Happy Meal, we got the book titled Elephant - which illustrates everything you need to know about the elephant, including how it grows from a calf to a huge elephant. Did you know that an elephant spends about 16 hours a day eating and only 3-5 hours sleeping? We sure learnt lots of interesting facts from the book.

The kids enjoyed reading interesting facts about elephants

In conjunction with the Happy Meal Book Programme, McDonald's will also be playing host to a series of family-oriented activities such as story-telling competition, Book Time with Ronald McDonald, and meeting with aspiring local authors. This will happen during the weekends at selected restaurants nationwide.  Besides that, participating restaurants will be thematically wrapped (theme is underwater world) to create a fun dining experience for families.

For more details on the Happy Meal Book Programme, you can visit the McDonald's Malaysia Facebook or website.

*This is a sponsored post.


  1. OMG, i saw Cecilia Ahern's book lined up side by side.. i read every single book she published. love her work. haha :) ops, my comment unrelated to mcd. heheh

  2. that's a pretty good initiative

  3. I love reading books! I think it really encourages imagination in a way that other things don't. Although I adore television, books are different in the way they make your mind work-at least IMHO! :D

  4. interesting kids gift, but does that works?

    it will be more like parents forcing kids to eat value meals to get the gift rather than the kids wanting it hehe

  5. I'm lovin' it, thanks dear. - jacquee


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