
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Recipe: Avocado Salad with Tobiko and Honey-Balsamic Vinaigrette

Hi everyone, how did your Christmas celebrations go? We had a really fantastic day , from good food to good company and good fun. 

For Christmas dinner, I was very pleased to have served this amazing spread to my family and guests - we had perfectly cooked tenderloin steaks or balsamic roasted chicken (for those who didn't take beef), served with crispy roasted potatoes, Brussel sprouts and baby carrots, and avocado and tomato salad with tobiko and crabstick. The salad was really good, hence I am sharing the recipe with you all today.  

For this salad, you can use either tobiko (flying fish roe) or ebiko (shrimp roe). Other ingredients include butterhead lettuce, wild rocket, cherry tomatoes, crabstick and ripe avocados, and then dressed with my all-time favorite salad dressing, honey-balsamic vinaigrette. Light, tasty and easy to throw together! Looks wonderfully festive too :)

Avocado and tomato salad with tobiko and crabsticks

Avocado salad with tobiko and honey-balsamic vinaigrette
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10-15 minutes
Serves 8

2 medium ripe Hass avocados
1/2 lemon, juice only
1 1/2 butterhead lettuce (about 150g), halve the leaves
30g wild rocket
125g cherry tomatoes, halved
4-5 crabsticks
5-6 tbsp tobiko

For the dressing
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp honey
Salt and freshly ground pepper

1. To pit the avocado, first you need to find the stalk and remove it. Hold it horizontally, with a knife through the centre until you hit the seed then move the knife in a circular motion until you go all the away around. Twist the avocado halves in opposite direction and it will come apart easily into 2 halves. Sink the knife into the avocado seed and remove. Peel off skin. Squeeze lemon juice all over to avoid discoloration. Chop the avocado into bite-sized chunks. Season with salt.

2. Place the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey in a bowl and whisk until well combined. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Lightly blanch the crabsticks in hot water for 30 seconds, then drain and shred lengthwise.

4. Place avocado, lettuce, rocket and cherry tomatoes in a bowl. Top with crabsticks and tobiko, then pour over dressing. Garnish with some lemon cress. Toss and serve.


I am submitting this to the "Cook & Celebrate: Christmas 2014" event which I am co-hosting with Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Diana of The Domestic Goddess Wannabe. To join, simply cook or bake any Christmas recipes for the whole month of December 2014.

Your post must be a current post i.e. posted in December 2014 - please do not link older posts.Please mention our "Cook & Celebrate: Christmas 2014" event in your post and link back to Zoe of Bake for Happy KidsDiana of The Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Baby Sumo of Eat your heart out.

Happy cooking! Do check out the other bloggers recipe below:

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  1. Looks like a super spread! And its nice to have a salad to balance all the hot food. I hope your family appreciated your efforts!

  2. Merry Christmas!! That looks like a lovely spread :D And what a great idea putting tobiko in a salad-I'll give that a try next time! :D

  3. Hi there. Could you please let me know where I could get ebiko in KL? Thanks and have a good holiday with your loved ones. :D

    1. Hello, you can usually find it in the Japanese section of the supermarket. I usually get mine from Jusco Midvalley. Hope this helps!

    2. It sure does! I usually see caviar instead which is much too fancy of a subsittute to make ebiko mayo dressing. Will head over to Jusco Midvalley then. Thanks! :)

  4. Can't go wrong with avocado in your salad! Maybe one of these days I can try with our black olives/dabai. It's oily and rich, some say it's like avocado.

    1. I've never tried dabai.... would love to get my hands on them someday!

  5. Merry Christmas! Your Christmas dinner looks much much better than ours, hehe.

  6. If I get avocado, I will eat all the brussel sprout you give me!! :P

  7. Hi Yen,

    Happy 2015!

    What a lovely spread of food that you had for Christmas!!! You know... I don't really eat lots of meat and this salad will be my most preferred Christmas food :D



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