
Monday, March 10, 2014

Recipe: Quick & Healthy Breakfast Pizzas

How often do you eat something two days in a row because you liked it so much? Hubby first made these breakfast pizzas for me last Wednesday and the next day, I asked him to make it again. These are seriously delicious, easy to put together and healthy too! A fantastic way to start the day, for sure :)

Quick and healthy breakfast pizzas

For our breakfast pizzas, we used tortilla wraps, then topped it with mozzarella cheese and sliced cherry tomatoes. An egg is then broken into a well in the centre, and then the pizza is placed in a 180°C oven for 10-12 minutes, until the egg is cooked. Personally, I like it with a slightly soft yolk (but not runny as it would be too messy to eat). It is then topped with either fresh basil leaves or avocados. The former is a classic combination of cheese, tomatoes and basil..... really tasty! A touch of truffle oil completes this mouthwatering breakfast pizza.

Tangy tomatoes, melting savoury cheese, soft egg yolk and fresh basil leaves from the garden .. so good!

We also bought some avocadoes last weekend, so we sliced them up and scattered them over the breakfast pizzas. This would also be great for brunch or lunch. 

Sunrise in KL

Quick & Healthy Breakfast Pizzas
Recipe by Baby Sumo 
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: 10-12 minutes
Serves 2-3

Version 1:
1 wholemeal tortilla wrap
4-5 cherry tomatoes, quartered
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese (optional)
1 egg
Salt and freshly ground pepper
6-8 sweet basil leaves
Truffle oil

Version 2:
1 wholemeal tortilla wrap
4-5 cherry tomatoes, quartered
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
1 egg
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 ripe avocado, peeled and sliced
1 calamansi lime (limau kasturi)

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Place tortilla wraps on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Top with generous amounts of mozzarella cheese onto the pizzas. Make a well in the centre, and break egg into centre. Arrange cherry tomatoes around the pizza.

2. Bake in preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the egg is cooked to your liking. Grate Parmesan cheese over the pizza and garnish with fresh basil leaves or sliced avocados. Season the eggs with some salt and freshly ground pepper and drizzle with truffle oil. Serve immediately.

Note: See here on how to pit and peel an avocado (Step 3 under recipes). Once you have peeled and sliced it, squeeze the calamansi lime over it to stop the avocado from browning.

How to make breakfast pizza in 12 mins - watch the video (link here)

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*This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 12 March 2014.


  1. Awesome idea! would love to try that out soon, thanks for sharing!

  2. Caprese with baked eggs must be awsome for breakfast!

  3. I love how these are quick and healthy and I think the kids would delight at having pizza for breakfast too :)

  4. yes...I do....can even eat same thing for whole week if i have this craze :p

  5. Yen, I can help you to finish some if you are going to make it again.

  6. You have a bright, cheery and healthy breakfast there, a great way to start the day! We always have the same thing for breakfast two days in a row, like if i were to make bread/muffins i make enough for at least 2 days :)

  7. that's such a "light" pizza... less the guilt. plus it's so pretty and colourful

  8. these 'pizzas' look truly beautiful (kudos to hubby!). the eggs look perfect, and i love the generous amount of avocados and basil leaves that you used. i could happily eat both these recipes in one sitting! super-tempting! :D

  9. Yen, how creative! These pizzas are sure fun to eat and fully packed with nutrition!

  10. Delicious and healthy! Perfect! I should get my hubby to see this! :)

  11. I just had pizza too. Any time for me !

  12. what a great idea to use tortilla wrap as pizza crust. lucky to have a great hubby :)

  13. Ahhh!!! Using tortilla wraps, sure saves a lot of trouble, no need to make one's own. They do sell pizza crusts at the supermarts too though. Saw some here, didn't buy.


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