
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Recipe: Seafood tom yum with quail egg + WORLDFOODS Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from May of WORLDFOODS asking if I would like to try out some of their products. Bottled sauces are convenient for everyday cooking, especially if you are working or have had a busy day but still want to put a nutritious meal on the table.

What I like about WORLDFOODS products is that it is food allergens free, trans-fat free and gluten free with no artificial preservatives, coloring or flavouring, as well as being suitable for vegetarians, vegans, coeliacs and Muslims. In KL, WORLDFOODS products are available at Village Grocer @ Bangsar Village 1, Jaya Grocers @ Intermark, and Hock Choon @ Ampang.

Seafood tom yum with quail egg

One of the sauces that May sent me was the WORLDFOODS Thai Tom Yum Paste. Reading the label, I understand that it is 100% natural made using authentic herbs and spices such as galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, coriander and chillies. It's always great to have a bottle of tom yum paste on standby in my kitchen as I frequently get cravings for this spicy Thai soup and need a quick fix to satisfy my cravings.

WORLDFOODS Thai Tom Yum Paste

My favorite ingredients to add into tom yum are seafood (prawns and squid), grey oyster mushrooms, some chicken slices,onions and spring onions. This time, I also added a few hard boiled quail eggs since I still had half a box in the kitchen waiting to be used up and it turned out to be a good addition. In just 10 minutes, my seafood tom yum was ready. The soup is tangy, spicy and appetizing with the bright red hue- just how I like it.

Giveaway time! Together with WORLDFOODS, we will be giving away  a prize pack containing 3 WORLDFOODS products to a lucky reader. This giveaway is open to all Malaysia and US readers.

All you need to do is:
1. LIKE both Baby Sumo and WORLDFOODS Facebook page (If you are already a "FAN", you can still join - just complete Step 2)
2. Comment on this post that you would like to participate "I want to enter this giveaway" along with your name (used on Facebook) and email address so I can contact you if you are the lucky winner.

Prize: 1 x 3 WORLDFOODS product

Closing date: 21 August 2013 23:59

I will be announcing the winner on 22 August 2013 and will be in contact for your mailing address. Good luck!

Seafood tom yum with quail egg
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves 3-4

4 clove garlic, sliced thinly
1 tbsp cooking oil
1 large onion, quartered
60g grey oyster mushroom, sliced
70g chicken breast, sliced
200g squid (2 no), sliced into 1cm rounds
10 king prawns, peeled, deveined with tails intact
4-5 tbsp WORLDFOODS Thai tom yum paste
500ml boiling water
4 cherry tomatoes, halved
2 stalks spring onions, cut into 1 inch lengths
4 hard boiled quail's egg
1/2 tsp salt, or more to taste
3-4 sprigs of mint, to garnish

1. In a wok or large saucepan, heat oil over medium high heat. Then, add the garlic and fry for 1 1/2 minutes until lightly browned.

2. Add the tom yum paste and fry for 2-3 minutes, until fragrant. Add water and bring to the boil. Once boiling, add the chicken and onions, and cook for 3 minutes until chicken is cooked through. Season with salt.

3. Add mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and squid and cook for 2 minutes. Then add prawns and cook for about 1 minute, until prawns are cooked. Then, add the spring onions and quail's egg (if using) and give it a quick stir.

4. Divide into 3-4 soup bowls, then garnish with a sprig of mint each.

*I am submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY and hosted by me (Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out). You can link your egg recipes here.

If you enjoyed reading my posts, LIKE me on Facebook! Thanks ;)

*This post was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 13 August 2013.


  1. I want to enter this giveaway" - SookPeng Loh,

  2. I want to enter this giveaway. Susilawaty.

  3. "I want to enter this giveaway"
    FB Name: Amber Lim

  4. I Want to enter this giveaway!
    Ling Yuen Chin

  5. I want to enter this giveaway.

    Tired of takeaway..

    Fb name : Ivoree Chan


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Yen,
    This looks delicious, I love tomyam soup. My daughter's favourite beehoon is tomyam beehoon, which I cook quite often for her, she would not have beehoon any other way!
    It would be great to win this giveaway!
    Thanks for organizing!

    1. oops...forgotten to add this "I want to enter this giveaway".

  8. ooo quail eggs! love love love ... adding quail eggs to a recipe already makes it halfway to being a culinary masterpiece for me! :D

  9. I want to enter this giveaway!
    Jozelyn Ng

    Such a good idea to add in quail eggs!

  10. Tom Yum Soup is our family favourite dish. Your photos making me wanted to cook it right away.

  11. so long since the last time I cook tomyum
    yours looks so mouthwatering!

  12. I want to enter this giveaway
    Facebook name: Janine Jianing

  13. Yen, I am suddenly craving for tomyam! So.....I want to enter this giveaway.
    FB name : Phong Hong
    email :

  14. Hi Yen,

    Although I not eligible for this giveaway, I'm happy to enjoy the pictures and imaginary smell of your delicious worldfood creation.


  15. What a delicious seafood soup! Love that its hot and spicy.

  16. Joined!!!

    I want to enter this giveaway!

    FB name : HenRy Lee
    email :

  17. This bowl of tom yam soup is really tempting! Too bad this brand is only available at 2 supermarkets.

    "I want to enter this giveaway"
    FB Name : Melissa Tham
    Email :

  18. I love Thai food and having just come back from Thailand I miss it now! This sounds like a really handy paste :)

  19. I want to enter this giveaway
    FB Name: Azlina Munajat

  20. What ?! Nothing for us here living in HK ? *sigh* lol That soup sure looks tempting !

  21. I want to enter this giveaway.
    My hubby love seafood tom yam very much.
    This is good to have with rice or rice noodle.
    My fb name :wang xing hui
    Email :

  22. I want to enter this giveaway! :)

    Karl Maqui;

  23. It has been quite sometimes not cooking tom yum. It will be great to have this spice and can have hot yummy tom yum soup like yours in no time!

    I want to enter this giveaway!
    Vivian Pang

  24. I want to enter this giveaway!! It's perfect for me who's still a noob in cooking!

    Name: Charmaine Pua Li Ping
    E-mail: pualiping[at]gmail[dot]com

    Thank you!!

  25. I want to enter this giveaway
    Name: Sheahnie Kong

  26. I want to enter this giveaway.
    Lai Mary (

  27. I want to enter this giveaway!
    Name : Betty Ong
    Email :

  28. "I want to enter this giveaway"
    Rachel Dykstra Griesmer


Please drop any comments or questions you may have here. Thank you so much for reading!