
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Recipe: Sambal telur tauhu (Egg sambal with fried tofu) (Raya special)

After I set the "egg" theme for Little Thumbs Up, I made a list of egg recipes that I wanted to cook and this sambal telur tauhu made it to the list. Many Malay stalls will serve this sambal telur, which usually consists of boiled eggs which are deep fried and then cooked in a spicy sambal paste. I love eating this very much so I tried recreating it at home. :)

Sambal telur tauhu (egg sambal with tofu)

When we make this dish at home, we like to use A LOT of onions and also add in an extra ingredient - deep fried tofu. You can get this tofu easily in wet markets or supermarkets - the skin is a dark brown since it has been deep fried. You can omit the fishcakes if you want this to be a vegetarian dish. At home, I do not deep fry my food, so I just shallow fried the boiled egg but you can omit this step if you want a healthier version. It will not really affect the taste of the dish.  It's up to you how many eggs you want to serve per person, but a minimum of two is highly recommended.

This is one of those great, simple dishes - give me a bowl of white rice and this sambal telur tauhu and  I am a happy girl;) Explosive flavours, minimal effort.

For another great sambal related recipe, check out this spaghetti with spicy sambal prawns. To all my Muslim readers and friends, here's wishing you a safe journey home to your kampung and family, and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Sambal telur tauhu (egg sambal with tofu) 
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves 2

4 hard boiled eggs
2 tbsp cooking oil
2 onions, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2-3 tbsp cili giling
150ml water
1 cube fried tofu, cut into rectangular cubes
30g fishcake, cut into rectangular cubes
1 tsp light soy sauce
1/4 tsp soft brown sugar
1/2 tsp chicken stock granules

1. Heat oil in a large wok. Then, over medium high heat shallow fry the egg to make the outer layer slightly crispy (if you do not mind deep frying, then it would be better to deep fry the eggs). Remove from pan and set aside.

2. Place the onions and garlic in the wok and stir fry for 2-3 minutes until the onions have softened slightly. Then, add the cili giling (I used about 2 tbsp) and fry for 1-2 minutes until fragrant. Add the water and allow to reduce to about 50% and further soften the onions.

3. Add the fried tofu, fishcake and eggs and allow to cook for about 1 1/2 minutes to 2 minutes. Season with light soy sauce, soft brown sugar (optional - if u find it too spicy) and chicken stock granules. Mix to coat well.

4. Serve immediately with rice.

Note: For instructions on how to cook hard boiled egg, see Step 1.

*I am submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kidsmy little favourite DIY and hosted by me (Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out). You can link your egg recipes here.

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  1. I feel like this is a dish made for my hubby! he loves boiled eggs and I bet he would eat a dozen eggs prepared like this! :D

    1. I also find it hard to stop once I start eating boiled eggs. Especially when they're coated in a delicious sauce. :D

  2. I love eggs sambal! It is simple delicious, whenever I makan at Malay restaurant, I will always look for this one!

    1. Me too! If I see it, I will surely order this.

  3. Hi Yen, this makes my mouth water!

  4. Hi Yen! Lovely sambal egg! Your LTU event is really HOT! I'm sure it will break 200 entries easily!!! And I have not even submitted my first! Give me some time ok?... Not well recently. :(

    1. Awww take your time, hope u feel better soon!

  5. I like it! Will sometimes choose this dish when I go for Malay Nasi Campur :-)

  6. I love eggs and these with tofu along with spicy sauce sounds delicious!!

  7. I totally love these, plus the spicier the merrier!

  8. Hi Yen, what is in the cili giling? Delicious dish.

    1. Hi Lian, cili giling is chilli paste - it's usually made from dried chillis which have been soaked then blended (usually with some sugar and salt). We can buy it easily here, if u wan I can get a recipe for u.

  9. I love this simple dish too, sedap!

  10. yay, great recipe for this raya week! and thumbs up to everything eggy! :D

  11. Yen, I think you go for a healthier version for not frying the eggs,right? Sambal eggs look very appetising!

    1. Haha I hate to deep fry stuff, cos it makes my kitchen so oily. And yes healthier is always good!

  12. This dish looks delicious! Spicy but shiok! I'm feeling so hungry right now...!

    1. Thanks Jasline! You can also blend the onions first if u wan... :)

  13. Replies
    1. Haha yea, got a Malay stall here selling this, I always tambah with my nasi lemak.

  14. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comAugust 7, 2013 at 11:08 PM

    Egg Sambal! My favourite and I need extra large rice :)

  15. Hi Yen,
    Hot and spicy, lovely dish !


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