
Monday, August 19, 2013

Recipe: Egg white omelette with bacon and sliced avocado

I had some leftover egg white after making these pot au chocolats. After weighing my options, I decided to cook a quick, easy and healthy egg white omelette. With the right ingredients and seasoning, an egg white omelette can be as tasty as a whole egg omelette.

Egg white contains almost no fat, no cholesterol, and contains about 17 calories in a large egg. It is often prized as a low-fat, high protein food.

Egg white omelette with bacon and avocado

When Baby C got back from school, I told her that she would be making mummy's lunch that afternoon. Recently, she has showed a lot of interest in cooking so I thought it would be nice to let her prepare lunch with supervision from me. She helped me fry the bacon, peel the avocado skin, squeeze lime over it, cook the omelette and grate cheese over it. Do you agree that she did a great job? Although I love baking with my kids, I think it is important for me to teach them to cook and eat healthy too.

After cooking, we both sat down and enjoyed this omelette together with a glass of avocado milkshake. We recently started buying these South African avocados and they are HUGE - used half to top the omelette and another half to make the milkshake. AWESOME lunch, made with love.

Egg white omelette with bacon and sliced avocado
Recipe by Baby Sumo, cooked by Baby C
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 5-7 minutes
Serves 1

3 egg whites
1 stalk spring onion, finely chopped
2 rashers streaky bacon, sliced thinly
A knob of butter
1/2 lime
1/2 avocado
1 tsp freshly grated Parmesan cheese

To garnish
Cherry tomatoes-on-vine
Lettuce leaves

1. To pit and peel the avocado, first you need to find the stalk and remove it. Hold it horizontally, with a knife through the centre until you hit the seed then move the knife in a circular motion until you go all the away around. Twist the avocado halves in opposite direction and it will come apart easily into 2 halves. Sink the knife into the avocado seed and remove.The avocado skin should peel off easily (use your hands). Slice into long thin strips and set aside. Sprinkle the avocados with the lime juice to avoid discolouration.

2. Melt the butter in a small frying pan over medium heat. Once melted, add the bacon and cook for 2-3 minutes until crispy and golden.

3. Beat the egg white gently with a fork then season with salt. Reduce heat to medium low and add egg white to the frying pan. Using a spatula, draw the outside of the omelette inward, allowing the liquid egg to escape around the edges (ie push the egg white from the edges in, the liquid egg will flow to the edges).

4. Scatter the spring onions around the omelette and cook the egg until it has just set, about 1 minute. Once ready, remove from heat.

6. Place omelette on plate and top with the Parmesan cheese. Arrange the avocado slices on the omelette, then season with some salt.  Serve with some cherry tomatoes-on-vine and lettuce leaves on the side.

Note: Egg white omelette generally cooks much faster than a whole egg omelette.

Healthy, wholesome lunch!

*You can also view my recipe for vegetarian egg white frittata here.

*I am submitting this to the Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kids, my little favourite DIY and hosted by me (Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out). You can link your egg recipes here.

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  1. Very healthy and easy treat that I love to enjoy too!

  2. Wow, great teamwork! Healthy and delicious dish.

    1. Thanks Lian. Hopefully in 10 years time I can sit back while she cooks lunch for me :)

  3. Awww I think it's so cute and so fun to have parent-kid cooking together! Though the kids are likely to make a mess, but I'm sure they learn a lot more from cooking than all those 9x9 multiplication tables... haha!

  4. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comAugust 20, 2013 at 12:07 AM

    This is sure my fav, very healthy and yummy :)

  5. what a great lunch, much healthier and definitely even more delicious than an average mixed rice dish. and yes, it's clear that baby c is gonna be an awesome cook someday too! :D

    1. I'm loving the mother-daughter bonding cooking session. Definitely FUN!

  6. Very healthy lunch and very happy to see Baby C can did a great cooking job with mummy! Mummy must be so happy as well :)

    1. Hi Jozelyn, mummy ate her lunch and felt so loved and satisfied after. It's a nice afternoon activity for us too.

  7. I always use to fry vegetables...or rice. My missus would leave the whites in the fridge after using all the yolks for her baking... :(

    1. Yea sometimes I use it to fry vegetables too.

  8. Yen, it's great that you are encouraging your daughter to cook! Hmm...egg white omelette....I must really try it because I have some egg whites in the freezer. Some I will use to make Florentines and the rest will go to this omelette. Must go get some avocados too :)

    1. I used to make meringues or pavlova when we have leftover egg whites but it's just too sweet! Nice though :P

  9. i'm thinking few more slices of whole bacons on top!!!

    1. Haha then it won't be called "healthy" anymore :P

  10. Your daughter is so helpful & even helped with the cooking besides baking! After knowing you for "so" long, I notice that avocadoes, scallops, prawns & basil are never running down in your fridge, hehe! This egg white omelette looks delicious with the bacon!

    1. Haha Jessie, you know me too well now and even the contents of my fridge :P My daughter still need to stand on a stool to cook, but she really enjoys it.

  11. This is so healthy! I always wonder what people do with the egg yolk if they are not cooking other dishes with it. Throw away or keep it in the fridge?

    1. Henry, usually we use the egg yolks for baking hence there is leftover egg white. Like if u make kek lapis, I think u need abt 12 egg yolks.

  12. I've had some really bad egg white omelettes but also some really good ones! The good ones are when they add lots of flavours to it and this one looks like one of these :)

  13. This looks healthy and delicious!

  14. Hi Yen,

    I can't help to notice that baby C cooked this. I bet that she must be so proud of her cooking and feeling very satisfied after eating this healthy dish.



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