
Friday, May 17, 2013

Recipe: Veggie Burger (Grilled Portobello Mushroom with Mozzarella)

After our successful burger night, I still had two leftover homemade burger buns. We were at Ben's Independent Grocer's during the day and have gotten two large portobello mushrooms, so I decided to make veggie burgers for our supper.

Veggie Bugger with Runny Fried Egg

Who knew a veggie burger could taste so good? We certainly enjoyed this as much as the pork burgers (if not more). Portobello mushrooms have a meaty texture, and can be used as a substitute for meat patties for vegetarians or those who want to go meatless. I filled the portobello mushrooms with a mixture of garlic, butter, mozzarella cheese and panko before placing under a hot grill for 8-10 minutes, until the cheese is all nice and oozy. I lightly toasted the buns, fried two beautifully runny eggs, assembled everything together and voila - we have ourselves one mighty tasty burger! Another great thing about this burger is that minimal effort is required for prep.

Without the burger buns, this grilled portobello mushroom with mozzarella cheese would also make a great appetizer to a meal. Simple to make, pretty to look at and delicious!

Veggie Burger (Grilled portobello mushrooms with mozarella cheese burger)
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 8-10 minutes
Serves 2

2 burger buns (recipe here)

1 garlic, minced
2 tsp butter
2 portobello mushroom
4 tbsp mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp panko
Salt and freshly ground pepper

To serve
2 fried eggs
A handful of rocket leaves

1. Preheat grill to medium high setting.

2. Cut off stalk from portobello mushrooms. Mix the garlic and butter together and then dot around the portobello mushroom. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and panko. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Place the mushrooms under the grill for 8-10 minutes, until the cheese is golden.

4. Meanwhile, butter the buns and toast in a frying pan for 1-2 minute.

5. To serve, place the mushroom on top of the bun, followed by rocket leaves, fried egg and finally top with the bun. Serve immediately.

*I am submitting this to this month's Little Thumb's Up "mushroom" event hosted by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.

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*This recipe was featured on Fabulous Food Blog Recipes on 18 May 2013 and Asian Food Channel FB page on 2 October 2014.


  1. This burger with mushroom looks so delicious and so easy to make! Yummy!!

    1. Thanks Ann! I love it for its simplicity too.

  2. omigosh, this looks gooooooooooood. *salivates* :D

    1. Thanks Sean! Hubby enjoyed it very much too.

  3. I had vegetarian burger before. They used the shitaki stems to make the patty - looked like meat, tasted like shitake.

    1. Ok yeah, I've seen some vegetarian curry using shitake mushrooms before too.

  4. Hi Yen,
    Lovely burger! A healthy and delicious alternative to meat burger!
    Thank you for linking to LTU!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. We were very impressed with this vegetarian burger, proves that we don't need meat for a burger to be tasty ;)

  5. Oh Big YUMMS! You are giving me ideas!

  6. Yen , I haven't tried veggie burger yet but it sure looks delicious ! Even the runny fried egg in your burger looks drool-worthy :D

    1. Thanks Anne! Very simple to make, you should it a go someday.

  7. We try not to eat supper these day since we are getting fat. But veggie burgers is healthy hor? So cat eat.... hahahaha

  8. What a neat idea, love the veggie burger!!

  9. Wah.. a B for babysumo is it? You got it nailed down to the presentation. Well done:)

  10. This is absolutely looking great. And as good as pork burger is something to look forward to.

  11. Yen, I am loving this portobello burger! And I also love the oozy egg :)

  12. Looks great, i love veggie burgers made of mushrooms!

  13. Great recipe for a mushroom lover (me!) ! This can be done during BBQs too. Minus the buns of cos =)

  14. Hi, chanced upon this recipe. thinking of making this, can i ask if i can use oven to toast the mushroom instead?


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