
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Recipe: Spiced apple and apricot turnovers

Though I have been cooking a lot this month, I realise that I have not been baking much and since it is the school holidays in Malaysia this week, I decided to make something nice for the kids as a treat. My friends hosting the "Bake-Along" this month has chosen turnovers as their theme, something new to me but I am very keen to try it. 

Turnovers are pastries filled with savoury or sweet fillings, and then folded over and sealed. I chose to use frozen puff pastry and the filling of choice is spiced apples with dried apricots. The filling is first cooked over a medium heat so that the apples are soft but still has a bite to them. I like cinnamon, so I used this spice in my filling, however you can also use nutmeg, or cloves or mixed spice. My kids love dried apricots too, so I sliced and threw a few of those in to the mix. I only used 1 teaspoon of sugar in the filling, so it is pretty healthy in that aspect (if you don't count the butter in the pastry :P). 

Spiced apple and apricot turnovers

Since I used frozen puff pastry, this is relatively easy to make, I took about 30 minutes in total to make these turnovers for our evening snack. The puff pastry I used is Kawan brand which is quite good - flaky and buttery enough. I like the spiced apple and apricot filling, though I wish I could stuff more of the filling inside the pastry! In future, I would like to try adding some homemade pineapple jam to the filling for a moister filling.

The pastry puffed up rather nicely

Kids enjoyed this very much

Spiced apple and apricot turnovers
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Makes 8

For the filling
3 apples, peeled, cored and cut into small cubes (approx 400g)
4 dried apricots, sliced
1 tsp soft brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp water

8. no frozen 10x10cm square puff pastry, defrosted

For the egg wash
1 egg
1 tbsp milk

1. Start by making the filling. Place the apples, apricots, soft brown sugar, ground cinnamon and water into a small medium-sized saucepan and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until the apples are soft and fluffy. (There should still be a bite to the apples). Allow to cool slightly.

2. Preheat oven to 200°C (400°F, fan assisted).

3. Place the defrosted puff pastry on a plate, then spoon the apple filling onto the pastry, leaving about 2cm space around the edge.

4. To make the egg wash, lightly beat the egg with milk. Using a brush, brush the edges with egg wash then fold to form a triangle. Gently press the edges with a fork to seal. Brush the top with more egg wash.

Brush edges with egg wash

Use a fork to seal edges

5. Bake in preheated oven until golden brown, for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before serving.

I am submitting this to the Bake Along hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, Lena from Frozen Wings and Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids. Here are the other "Turnover" recipes:


  1. Love the flaky crust so as the spiced filling , a more saucy/gooey filling much better though ;D The golden brown color of the pastry looks great ! Yeah , homemade pineapple jam sounds really good ...

    1. Yes I wanna try making a gooey filling next time too (kinda like the McD apple pies).

  2. Hi Yen,
    Adding dried apricots to the apple filling is a delicious idea. I love dried apricots, my most favourite dried fruit!
    Thank you for baking along with us!

    1. Yeah we often have dried apricots as our evening snack too. Thanks for picking turnovers for the bake-along, glad to have tried making this.

  3. Seems not that difficult to make hor? Should we try? hmmm

    1. Haha! If you try I wanna see your end result. :)

  4. Served hot with vanilla ice cream for me please :-)

  5. Hi Yen! Enjoy the school holidays with the kids!

    1. Thanks we will. Busy busy busy but fun fun fun.

  6. Mmmmm love to have more turnovers!

    1. It's so good, I wouldn't mind some more too ;)

  7. Hi Baby Sumo, great to go with hot coffee. The filling look delicious, great combination.

    Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Thanks Amelia, I will have to make turnovers again with some other filling since it was so popular with my family. :)

  8. These apple turnovers look absolutely delicious. Love it.

  9. Do you make your own puff pastry? Any post on it? Recipe?

    1. I used frozen puff pastry, weather is too hot to attempt making puff pastry here. And I don't have much time either, cos school holidays now.

  10. wow....looks good! Ideal for breakfast and tea break.

  11. The apricot and apple filling looks good.

  12. Hi Yen,

    Nice to have you baking along with us. We seems to be cooking and baking a lot lately. I got to say that I really enjoy our companionship :D

    The addition of dried apricots into your apple filling is a great idea. I saw some recipes use dried cranberries and reckon my boy will like this addition too :D


    1. Thanks Zoe, likewise, the feeling is mutual. Have really enjoyed cooking and baking loads, and I think the bloghops help a lot in keeping the interest alive.

  13. Yen, that looks delicious! I've read that some of our friends had trouble when making their own puff pastry because of the hot weather. I reckon it will be more convenient using ready made. I must look out for this brand.

    1. Yeah my kitchen gets very hot in the afternoons/evenings so I just used frozen puff pastry instead of trying to make some.

  14. Hi Yen...I used the Kawan puff pastry to make mine too but I had some difficulty in getting all the juicy filings in! Yours are cooked so dry and you managed to put quite a lot! Must give this a try again soon! Yours are so nicely baked and golden!

    1. Yeah I wished I could get more filling in too, cos the puff pastry is quite small huh. Just have to go for 2 portions :)

  15. quite a kid-pleasing recipe! i actually am not a big fan of apples or apricots, so i'm imagining what other fruits could go well in turnovers. hmmm, maybe i'd go for a blueberry one! :D

    1. Blueberries would be nice, in fact I think most fruits would work - strawberries, bananas etc.

  16. Haiyo I'd die for one of those with tuna mushroom inside! :D

    1. Hehe u can try making also, use frozen puff pastry, easy easy!

  17. These look golden delicious! I like how you filled it with mixed fruit too! :D

    1. Would love to experiment more with the fillings.

  18. I imagine these would taste great piping hot from the oven :D

    1. Haha yea, they go a bit soggy if u let them cool down too much. So best to eat warm :D

  19. Love the inviting colour on that turnover...and what an amazing filling. You definitely must bake more often!!

    1. Just made Easter bunny biscuits today.. fun fun fun!

  20. wow, next time can put potatoes with curry powder!!

  21. hi yen, so nice seeing you baking along with us! i see few of you hv made apple turnovers, i'm sure that taste pretty good and with your addition of apricots, i think it certainly a good idea! have a nice day!

  22. Yen,
    Love these. simple yet delicious turnovers.
    Yours with added apricots will be even more delish! :D

  23. seem like quite easy... for you lah, for me maybe will come out like a mess :P

  24. Yours looks so much better than me. I wonder it's the brand of pastry or is it cos I nvr use egg wash to seal the opening... I must use up tips and try again...
    Nice knowing you from Bake Along, will follow your blog... =)


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