
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Treat Recipe: Cute Easter Bunny Biscuits

Baking is a fun activity to do with your kids during the school holidays. Since Easter falls on this Sunday (31 March), I thought we could kill two birds with one stone - baking Easter bunny biscuits. I went to the baking supply shop and found this "Miffy" cookie cutter. Isn't it adorable? Miffy also happens to be the first soft toy that we got Baby C when she was born. 

Have a Happy Easter, filled with love and sunshine :)

I was inspired to bake Easter Bunny biscuits after seeing it on Good Food Channel's Pinterest. Kids were very excited when I told them about our afternoon activity, they couldn't wait to get started especially Baby C. I had prepared the dough beforehand and kept it chilled in the fridge, so we got started as soon as they were both up from their afternoon nap.

Baby C was enthusiastic, and was a great help - after watching me do it one time, she managed to roll the dough and cut the bunny shapes without any help. Mummy sure was impressed. She even went over to her little brother and gave him a hand with his biscuits. :)

Many many many cute Easter bunnies :)

Hubby bought some creme eggs and mini eggs for us back from UK, just in time for Easter :)

 Enjoying their biscuits

The bunnies look like they're so happy,  as though they are dancing ;)

These Easter Bunny Biscuits are perfect for gifting to your friends too... who wouldn't love a piece of this cuteness?

So dear readers, are you planning to bake anything special for Easter? I will be making more Easter treats in the coming days, stay tuned! :)

Easter Bunny Biscuits
Recipe by Baby Sumo, inspired by Good Food Channel
Preparation time: 25 minutes (longer if you're making this with kids)
Cooking time: 10-12 minutes
Makes approx. 30

250g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
100g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
100g caster sugar
1 large egg, beaten
½ tsp vanilla extract

1. Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy then gradually stir in the egg until well combined. Add vanilla extract and mix well.

2. Sift the baking powder, salt and flour into the bowl and then mix until you get a smooth dough.Wrap the dough with cling film and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

3. Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan. Grease and line three baking trays with baking parchment or alternatively, grease the baking tray with butter.

4. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough to about 8mm (my kids wanted fatter bunnies). Cut into shapes using a bunny shaped cutter, then transfer to the baking sheets, leaving some space in between for expansion.

5. Bake for 10-12 minutes until pale golden. Allow to cool on the sheet for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in airtight containers once cooled.

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  1. so cute! im sure the kids love making those cute bunnies! :)

  2. Looks really cute, perfect with a cup of coffee.

    1. Hopefully we still have some leftover for Easter day.

  3. gosh, the cuteness level of those bunny biscuits is intolerable! i wanna print a photo of it and put it up at my office cubicle to cheer me up :D

    1. Hehe I think your colleagues might be very surprised if they saw a photo of these at your office cubicle :P

  4. Hi Yen,

    Your Miffy cookies are so cute! Nice to see you and your kids having so much fun baking these cute cookies.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!


    1. Thanks Zoe. Coincidentally it's the school holidays here, so I wanted to bake with my kids. Cute cookies are always a winner :)

      Happy Easter to you and your family too.

  5. Oooo...cute! Very pretty!

  6. The bunny cookies look so cute, not only children would loves this, me too!!

  7. The bunny biscuit cutters are just so cute!

  8. I love the collage of both Baby C & D working together to make the bunny cookies.
    Happy Easter to u & family ;-)

    1. Very impressed with their teamwork. Esp Baby C, she was so good and helped her brother out. :)

  9. aw.. its priceless! the looks on yr kids as they help and also enjoy... :)

    indeed, its really so pretty for easter! great one Yen...

    1. Thanks Jenn, maybe u can make some cute ones with your lil one too. Happy Easter!

  10. Yen,
    Oh! Baby C and D are having so much fun!
    Your Miffy cookies look so cute.
    I have baked some Easter bake too.
    Happy Easter Day to you: )

    1. Looking fwd to see your Easter bakes too mui mui. Happy Easter to u and yr family!

  11. It's just not Easter without bunny biscuits and Cadbury's Cream Eggs! Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend :)

  12. Both kids and cookies are adorable :D The kids sure had a great time making those Miffy cookies !

    1. Yes we did! We'll have to make this a tradition every yr.

  13. Presentation is so cute and photos with kids are georgues

  14. So cute! Yen, I can see so much joy in your kids!

  15. Cute cookies! Your daughter sure is having fun! The cookies would bring a smile to anyone!

  16. Kids and cookies are so adorable, bet they had loads of fun. Happy Easter!

  17. This is super the way your children participate with so much enthusiasm. Happy Easter

  18. Your kids are so adorable. Any kids will love to receive those cute Miffy cookies. Happy Easter!


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