
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Recipe: Wagyu Steak with Worcestershire onions and sweet potato mash (Martha Stewart)

Steaks make one of the most satisfying and quickest lunch. There is very little preparation required, and the most important thing is to cook your meat right. Usually I would just serve the steak with gravy or just salt, however I came across this recipe on Martha Stewart's website - pan seared steak with Worchestershire onions and chopped parsley which I knew we would like. I love onions, and think they pair really well with steaks. The chopped parsley gives this dish a fresh flavour and also adds a lovely colour. 

Pan seared steak with Worchestershire onions and chopped parsley

For the steak, I used a Wagyu blade steak cut which is tender and juicy when cooked. To the KL readers who want to know where you can get these cuts, Jusco in MidValley stocks them. I used Heston Blumenthal's perfect steak recipe which calls for flipping the meat every 15-20 seconds to develop a crisp flavorsome exterior without overcooking the centre. This is really the best method, it has never failed me. It is important to rest your steak for at least 10 minutes after cooking  to allow the juices to redistribute for a juicy, tasty steak.

The original recipe calls for 1 onion between 2 person, but if you love them onions, why not just double the amount? That's what I always do! Other than Worchestershire sauce, another great alternative would be balsamic vinegar. Try them both and see which one you like better. I reckon this whole combination would do really well as a sandwich too - place the steak, Worchestershire onions and parsley between some nice ciabatta.

If you want to serve this for dinner, you can also try making this easy sweet potato mash to go with your steak to make it a more substantial meal. I love sweet root vegetables such as sweet potato and pumpkin, which go extremely well with beef. All you need to do is boil the sweet potatoes for 15-20 minutes, add butter and season with salt and pepper.

Pan seared steak with Worcestershire onions and mashed sweet potato
Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 - 20 minutes
Serves 2

1 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
350g Wagyu blade steak
Coarse salt and ground pepper
1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced
1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon butter
1 tbsp chopped parsley (I used English parsley)

For sweet potato (Recipe by Baby Sumo)
300g sweet potato
50g butter
Salt and pepper
A sprig of rosemary (optional)

1. Clean the steaks under running water and pat dry with kitchen towel before searing to get a nice crust. Season both sides with pepper and rub with 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil. (Note: The original recipe asks to season the steak with salt before searing. However, I always season the steak with salt only after resting, in order not to draw the juices out when cooking)

2. In a large frying pan over high heat, add 1/2 tablespoon oil and wait until the pan/oil is smoking hot. Place the steaks in the pan, and start your timer. Every 15-20 seconds, flip the steak. Cook to desired doneness (depending on thickness, this guide is for 1 inch thick steak) - 2 minutes each side for medium rare, 3 minutes each side for medium and 4 minutes each side for well done.

3. Remove from pan and allow to rest for at least 10 minutes. Remember to season the steaks with salt before serving.

4. While the steak rests, wipe the pan clean (I omitted this step since there wasn't any black bits) and heat 1 tbsp oil over medium high heat. Add onion, and cook until tender, about 4-5 minutes (again, this depends on your preference, how soft you want it). Add Worcestershire sauce and butter and toss to coat.

5. Thinly slice the steak across the grain.  To serve, place caramelised onions on plate, topped with steak and chopped parsley.

6. To cook the mashed sweet potato, bring water to the boil and then add the sweet potato. Turn down to medium heat, cover and boil for 15-20 minutes. To test if the sweet potato is cooked, insert a skewer and it should go through easily. Remove from heat, and then peel. Place peeled sweet potatoes in a bowl and mash until smooth. Add butter and season with salt and pepper. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and serve immediately.


I am submitting this to the "Cook Like Martha Stewart" bloghop which I am co-hosting with Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Jocelyn of Riceball Eats. To join, simply cook or bake any recipe from any Martha Stewart websites or cookbooks and blog hop with us for the whole month of December 2012.

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Happy cooking! Do check out the other bloggers recipe below:

* This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's Facebook page on 11 December 2012.


  1. The steak looks deliciously juicy! I should try this sometime!

    1. Thanks Jocelyn! Heston's method is by far the best one for steaks. ;)

  2. Where did u buy the wagyu beef and fresh herbs from? Hardly can find them in kl

    1. Hi Brendon, as mentioned in the blogpost you can get Wagyu beef from the higher end supermarkets, including Jusco in Midvalley. Fresh herbs are also widely available there, but we plant our own in the garden.

  3. sounds like Jusco Mid Valley stocks a lot more variety of gourmet stuff than Jusco One Utama - mentaiko, wagyu blade...a bit far out for me, but guess will need to make a trip there and stock up :P

    1. Yeah I think they get quite a fair bit of Japanese clientèle there. Even their sushi/sashimi section is quite vast.

  4. Looks so tender! And very nicely cooked. Love it with the mashed sweet potatoes which is different from the normal mashed potatoes.

    1. Hubby loves steak with pumpkin, and now he loves it with sweet potato mash too.

  5. I saw this on IG earlier but this looks so delicious Yen!! Beautiful presentation too!

    1. Thanks Nami! Aren't steaks the easiest and also very satisfying?

  6. I love Heston's method too! It never fails and the steak is so good! :D

  7. I love wagyu beef and it is quite expensive here for just a small portion. Yours definitely looks very delicious. :)

    1. Wagyu is quite expensive here too, but you can get a non-premium cut such as blade or round steak and it will still taste quite good.

  8. Hi Yen! Wagyu steak... done medium! Heaven on earth!

    1. Thanks Alvin! This is how I keep my Hubby happy :)

  9. Yen , even that sprig of rosemary looks delicious ! lol

    1. Haha Anne, you are very good at making me laugh! ;)

  10. This looks wonderful! I love onions in almost everything! I can see that you love beef very much! :)

    1. I love steaks! We dont really cook beef that much except for Sunday roast and the occasional steaks at home. But Hubby sure loves it whenever I do :)

  11. sweet potato mash! looks like a much tastier alternative to the regular mashed potatoes! :D

    1. Pumpkin mash is really nice too! Mashed potatoes can be nice too with a drizzle of truffle oil :)

  12. Hi Yen,

    I will be a little scare cooking with an expensive cut like this. Depending on my mood, the pressure of wanting to cook a good piece of meat to perfection seems a little too much on me sometimes. Yours look so good and I reckon you must be an experienced cook.


    1. I actually used a cheaper cut cos Wagyu is frankly too expensive to eat everyday. We save the premium, high marbling cuts for special occasion. Or else it just wont be special anymore.

      It's only this year that I started cooking steaks a lot, Heston's method really works and I use it everytime no matter the cut I use.

  13. blade cut to save some dough, sounds like a good idea :D

    1. Yah, aint I a smart girl? LOL! From a Wagyu breed even the non-premium cut tastes gooooood!

  14. Looks really tasty! So no need to go out for steak anymore la :P

    1. Yah, very rarely go out for steaks anymore. No more Starwood card also.

  15. I heart the Sweet Potato Mash! =)

  16. My mouth is watering drooling over your pics. Is it nearly lunch time?

    1. Hehe! Unfortunately I have a meat-free lunch today.. no steaks for me!

  17. I love Worchestershire sauce.. was telling someone else I love it so much, I can drink it alone... lol... crazy me! ;)

  18. These is so gourmet & tender tasty dish! Love it & I'm sure my hubby will love this delicious steak too . He's a huge fan of wagyu steak ! :)


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