
Monday, November 5, 2012

Breakfast @ Restoran Yi Poh, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

Last week, we made a day trip to Seremban to run some errands. When I was still living here, a place we would frequent for breakfast was Restoran Yi Poh located on Jalan Seng Meng Lee. The restaurant now is divided into an air-conditioned section and another section with fans only. It can get very packed during the weekends but on a weekday morning, it was pretty quiet. 

What they're famous for

Pickled green chillies (you can learn how to make this at home too)

Over here, you can get a few types of noodles - their famous "loh shu fun" (literally translated to rat tail noodles), wantan mee, Hakka mee, mix pork noodle and claypot yee mee. We also like their crispy fried wantans (RM0.50 each), do remember to request for fresh ones (ie just fried and still hot) as it does make a difference to the overall taste.

We always order at least a bowl of this loh shu fun, better known as Yi Poh noodles (RM3.80) which comes topped with minced pork and char siew. Mix it all together, and you got a bowl of delicious, slurp-worthy noodles. We like the flavorful minced pork, but the char siew is quite dry and lean.

The portion is quite big too! (This is a small portion)

Yum yum

I also like their wantan noodles (RM3.80), best eaten with the pickled green chillies. It comes with a bowl of soup with 2 wantans and 1 fried wantan (I remember they used to top the fried one on the noodles - it's a bad idea to put a fried wantan in the soup as it makes it soggy). Overall a good noodle dish, however the char siew (BBQ pork) is forgettable.


The kids wanted some fish balls (RM0.50 each), they're okay to satisfy the kids craving but nothing to shout about (very obvious that it's not homemade).

Baby D happy that he got his fish balls!

Another dish that we love here is the pig's intestine soup (RM3.50 and above). We specifically requested for pig's stomach and tripe only when asked by the waiting staff but it came with the intestine as well. Fortunately the spare parts were all devoid of unpleasant smells. We love the peppery taste of the soup and I especially like the chewy texture of the stomach and tripe.  This is highly recommended.

Happy girl ;)

The interior

The exterior

Morning sunrise in KL

Passing the Palace of the Golden Horses..

Verdict: A good breakfast option in Seremban, if you want a change from beef noodles or laksa or Hakka mee. 

Opening times: 7.30am to 6.00pm.

Price: RM21.90 for food.

Location:  Restoran Yi Poh, 26, Ground Floor, Jalan Seng Meng Lee (Off Jalan Temiang), 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, 70200, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

Tel: 016-612 2711 ‎

GPS Coordinates: 2.734,101.940247


  1. your son munching meatball's too cute!

  2. I try the yip poh loh shu fun..
    but I prefer the wet market one..
    maybe they have their own homemake chili paste that make it better...

    1. Usually we just eat the Hakka mee or beef noodle at the wet market. Not sure f I try the loh shu fun there before or not.

  3. What a feast!! Everything looks absolutely amazing

  4. have heard of this place but yet to go hunting ther :p

    1. It's quite easy to locate (nearby the police station), let me know if u need any directions.

  5. Saw this place when I stopped by Seremban. Did not go to eat there. Just went to the bakery across the road to buy some stuff - not really nice though, much better things here than there.

    1. I went to the hawker centre above the market - didn't think what I had was great either. Wish I had some one from Seremban to take me to eat the best in town... Disappointing stop there!

    2. We also visited the bakery after our breakfast. Everything we tried was freshly baked, we felt it was really nice!

      Haha next time u shd ask the Seremban peeps for some makan tips but then what we like might not suit your tastebuds also!

  6. This place is often crowded on weekends. Especially for breakfast. Their pork balls are nice too. ;-)

    1. Ya, last time when we still live in Seremban, would visit here often during the weekends. Always have to wait for table if we're late.

  7. "Lou shi fan" is something that i'm really missing for living in Sydney. I can't find it in most of the Malaysian restaurants here. When I go home, I want to eat "lou shi fan" & "yi mien" soup served in claypot! Yum yum!

    1. Yah, come back and enjoy all your favorite local food during your holiday!

  8. Simple but certainly yummy hawker fare in a clean environment. Do remember seeing this place during our morning drives but not stopped over. Will pin this down to stop by for the pig intestine pepperish rich soups.

  9. Been to this place once. I like their noodles and the fried wantans. Do checkout the shop opposite of this as they sell pretty good siew pau.

    1. Hehe yes! We visited Siew Pow Master after breakfast here. Blog coming up soon ;)

  10. Hi Baby Sumo, the lou shi fan and wantans soup look so delicious. yum yum....
    Thanks for sharing this makan place.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  11. The lao shu fun looks so good, hard to find such authentic dishes in Singapore these days!

    1. Really? I admit I very rarely eat hawker food in SG, maybe I need to ask u for some pointers when I visit next.

  12. y'know, slowly but surely, i think i can see both baby c and d growing, with their features evolving. it dawned on me that baby d has lost some of his earlier 'baby/toddler' looks and is becoming more of a recognizable child, while baby c is turning into quite an elegant girl. both still very cute of course! :D

    1. Ya I know, they grow so quickly! I always hug and kiss them loads nowadays, cos one day they'll be too shy to be kissed by their mummy.

  13. next time my hubby bring us back hometown, i must ask him to bring us here, all sound so yummy.

  14. Each time I visit my in-laws in S'ban, it was always ta-pau for us. Must ask my hubby about this restaurant. You can find loh shi fan at almost all hawker stalls in S'ban, that I noticed! My kids favourite are the Hakka Mee!

    1. Actually I feel Seremban has a lot of good food. It's my hometown too! ;)

  15. Your kids so so cute! I am going to Taiwan and look forward to eating Asian food all day long. :D The noodles look SUPER good, and fish ball soup is my favorite too! Your post made me crave for Asian food!

  16. Dear Baby Sumo,

    My Aussie friends think I'm joking when I tell them this is the kind of food people in Malaysia eat for brekky LOL! I love Malaysian style wonton mee but the char siew looks a little dry though.

  17. Hi Yen,

    I always have lots of feel good feelings reading your blog. The photo of yummy foods, your happy kids enjoying the food and plus this beautiful sunrise view of KL. Wish to visit Malaysia soon and can use all your blog as our food reference.

    Met up with Mich at my recent SG trip. She said that she had also met you. Hope to see you too if I'm visiting Malaysia :D


  18. That bowl of thick loh chi fun noodles looks toooooo yummy! :D hehe I've always preferred thin noodles but that looks way better than the wantan mee! hehe

  19. I have yet to try this Yi Poh Noodles... the white thick noodle looked similiar to laksa noodles? Will mark this for a Seremban visit...

  20. The noodle looks like "lai fun" ~

  21. Comes from the word IPOH? The noodles look like lai fun.. looks good too!


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