
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I baked: Carrot cupcakes with lime mascarpone cream frosting

This is another great recipe you can do with your kids. During one of the weekends, I got together all the ingredients for carrot cake and we (the kids and I) gathered in the kitchen for a morning of baking fun.

This is the recipe that I usually use for carrot cake but this time I added a few extra ingredients such as orange zest and walnuts and made them as cupcakes. I also made a lime mascarpone-cream frosting which is much lighter than the cream cheese frosting. I love the tanginess of the lime zest and juice in the frosting. It went very well with the moist carrot cupcakes. After our baking lesson, we enjoyed these cupcakes with a glass of cold milk each. We really loved them!

Carrot cupcakes with lime mascarpone-cream frosting

Baby C is a natural in the kitchen. Baby D who hasn't even turned 2 loves giving mummy a helping hand in the kitchen. He will hold the spatula and give the batter a good mix :D (clever boy). This is an extremely kids-friendly cake. (not much mess either)

Personally, I think these are best eaten slightly warm (take them out of the oven and cool for 30 minutes) but they can also keep for several days in an airtight container stored in the fridge.

Carrot cupcakes with lime mascarpone-cream frosting
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 22-25 minutes
Makes 8

For the cupcake
125g self raising flour, sifted
A pinch of salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg
125g soft brown sugar
2 eggs, at room temperature
120ml corn oil
130g carrot, peeled and finely grated (approx. 1 medium carrot)
Zest of 1 orange
25g walnuts, chopped into small pieces
25g sultanas
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

For the lime mascarpone-cream frosting
100g mascarpone cream, softened at room temperature
25g icing sugar, sifted
50g whipping cream
Zest of 2 limes
Juice of 1 lime

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line muffin-tray with 8 cupcake liners.

2. Place the flour, salt, ground cinnamon and nutmeg into a large bowl and stir in the brown sugar. Add the eggs and corn oil to the dry ingredients and mix well. Stir in the grated carrot, orange zest, sultanas, chopped walnuts and vanilla extract.

3. Fill the cupcake-liners to 2/3 full and then bake in the pre-heated oven for 22-25 minutes or until a skewer inserted in centre comes out clean. Allow cakes to cool for 10 minutes before frosting.

4. Meanwhile, make the frosting. Beat the whipping cream with icing sugar until stiff peaks. Add the mascarpone cheese, lime zest and juice and mix well.

5. Using a star tip nozzle, pipe the frosting on the cupcakes. Serve immediately, these carrot cupcakes are best enjoyed slightly warm.

The purple flower is called bunga senduduk ungu.

Full set of photos can be viewed on my Facebook page here. 


  1. wow.. so pretty! I like eating my cupcakes cold though.. is that weird ? I just like the feeling of cold icing melting on the tongue! ur icing looks nice and wispy though.. like a cloud! Beautiful.

    1. Hehe it's totally normal! We eat most of our cupcakes cold but for this one, it's nice moist and the scent of the spices is stronger when it's warm.:)

  2. I love carrot cake! Gosh! They look so heavenly, simple perfect... Yummmmm!!!!

    1. Aww thanks! We love carrot cake too, I like that there's so much fresh ingredients in there like carrots, banana and nuts.

  3. Definitely my favourite cake by far! This looks really delicious!

    1. Thanks Mich. My kids love carrot cake, so we are slowly improving this recipe over time. Really love this light frosting!

  4. wonder if baby C or D might someday become a successful chef! maybe in 30 years, i'll be eating at baby C's restaurant (am sure i'd give it a glowing endorsement!) :D

    1. I'll make sure they invite you if they ever do open up a restaurant. Hehe :D

  5. Another cake that I haven't baked yet ! These look so moist and delicious ! Great job , kids ! :D

  6. wow these look amazing! will give this recipe a try this long weekend!

    1. Hope you enjoy it! Please let me know how it goes.

  7. i haven't tried making carrot cake yet, you are right, it's definitely a kid friendly recipe. i always scrap off any icing, so my cakes (if i ever bake) are always naked

    1. Usually we dont put icing on our carrot cake, but this frosting was something new I created and I wanted to see if it went together. And it did. My frosting are always very low sugar. :)

  8. No wonder your cupcakes look so pretty and delicious... You have two very capable little bakers helping you with this bake. That's why :D

    1. They're very enthusiastic whenever I tell them we are gonna be baking. They love making cookies too cos it's like playing with PlayDoh!

  9. Carrot with lime is an interesting one... But they sound (and look) delicious, you should start a bakery! Train those two little chefs of yours

    1. Hehe chefs in training, hopefully by the time they're teens they can cook/bake for me and I don't have to lift a finger anymore ;P

  10. Baby C and Bady did a great jobs! :D

  11. Oh yum, lime mascarpone icing sounds really awesome. We were just having cupcakes in the office yesterday, and fighting over the pieces with the most icing. :D

    1. Haha yeah! We love cupcakes with a lot of frosting too, Baby D always picks out the one with the most icing cos he likes it best!

  12. I like kid friendly recipes :) , have also been trying to get my son involved in some easy baking.. He loves it, but i am a clean and neat freak so it stresses me a bit trying to manage the spills here and there heehee. But its a great way to bond with the kids over some healthy activities. Must try this with my son. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Esther, I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I look in a book and think it's a kids friendly recipe to make with the kids but then I see flour everywhere on the floor and I freak out. This one was not messy at all since I measured out everything, just let them put in the bowl and mix, and then pour into the cupcake liners. :)

  13. I bet the cream frosting infused with lime much taste refreshing.

    1. Much lighter than cream cheese, so I feel less guilty eating more. Hehe. :)

  14. very cute and nice ler ur cupcakes...can u bake one for me too??

    1. Hehe I'll let you know the next time I make some ;P

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I like mine with walnut in it too. adds a different texture and feel to the whole cupcake!


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