
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quick Lunch: The perfect medium rare 4-minute rib eye steak

So, the other day, we got ourselves a 1.45kg O'Connor rib eye for roasting since one of Hubby's friend was visiting our home. The roast was marvellous and we enjoyed it very much. Since I felt 1.45kg was too much for 5 pax, I ended up cutting off a piece of beef (approx. 2.0 - 2.5cm thickness, 220g) to experiment cook for our lunch the following day.

Make sure that your pan is very hot (with a drop of oil) before you put the steak in - this will give it a nice sear. The steak was cooked for 2 minutes on each side (total 4 mins), and then rested for 10 minutes, to a beautiful doneness of medium rare. Served it with some sauteed mushrooms and fresh cherry tomatoes. It was cooked to our preferred doneness but I still need to improve and try and get the exterior more "crusty" like the one we had at Ril's (Hubby likes it like that). Any tips on how I can achieve that?

A quick, satisfying lunch which took even less time to eat!

*Photo taken with iPhone4s.


  1. O.O can never eat them.. just like well done. haha..

  2. Have a look at this...might have some clues to achieve the crustiness =)

    1. Thanks!! I believe Ril's puts his under a very hot grill thats how he gets that crusty finish.

      May try again another day with some of the tips and see how it is!

  3. this is gorgeous! now i am craving steaks again.

    a grill pan might help and of course some use butter to "fry" the steak.

  4. Replies
    1. I also want a steak now! Prime? LOL

    2. 1kg each? Lol!

      Btw...I tried putting olive oil on my steak earlier and put in on a really hot pan. The exterior because crustier than normal. So maybe you can try that in future. :)

  5. did u do a 4 hour roast?

    the only way you can get a real "crust" is a REALLY REALLY HOT PAN and quite liberal use of salt. (well thats what I do anyways but given that the piece of steak is so thin, you might over cook it)

    1. Not yet, this was a week before you posted on your 4-hour roast and I haven't got around to doing it yet.

      I used a hot pan (but maybe not hot enough since I'm using induction). Will try to sprinkle on more salt next time.

  6. I love it bloody! hehe. nice job there

  7. looks truly beautiful! i'm actually gonna try to order rare steak one of these days. it's been a few years since i had it rare, and i actually do like it that way, except that it usually has even less of a maillard crust when it's rare :D

    1. I dont think I would enjoy a rare steak, I think they become a little hard to chew/swallow when it's not cooked enough.

  8. Ummmm...I'll have mine well done, please,...thank you. LOL!!!

    1. NOOOOOOOOO it's a crime to eat well done steakkkkkkkkkkkk.

  9. wHoAAAAA~ the pinkish red steak is really alluring!!

    1. Wow! You sure know how to take care that piece of fine meat :) Yummy and juicy!

    2. Thanks Ken! It was very delicious ;)

  10. I love Steaks... big time! Yours looked every inch as delectable as it gets.. and I like it crusty or not.. just never overcook.. :)

    1. Thanks so much! I also don't mind it if it's not crusty as long as it is medium rare and juicy inside!

  11. I will ask my hubby to appreciate this because......I don't eat beef, paiseh! I know I know, Australia is so famous with good quality of beef & I don't eat beef! That's why I have to ask my hubby to appreciate it!

  12. Hi Baby Sumo, wow, this looks so tempting. I don't eat alot of beef or steak (cos my hubby needs to watch his cholesterol), but your steak looks amazingly tempting. Love the side dishes too - Mich@Piece of Cake


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