
Monday, April 4, 2011

I cooked: Braised pork ribs in taucu sauce

This easy recipe for braised pork ribs is a dish my mum often cooked for me as a child. I just adore the tender pork ribs and the slightly salty and tangy sauce is extremely appetizing and goes well with white rice.

So simple, that all you have to do is cut your ingredients and throw everything in a pot and leave it to braise.

Braised pork ribs in taucu sauce
Preparation time: 5-10 minutes
Cooking time: 2 hours
Serves 3-4

500g pork ribs (ask your butcher to cut them into 2 inch lengths)
1 onion, sliced thinly
1 clove garlic, diced
2-3 ginger slices
4-5 star anise
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp cloves
1 tomato, quartered
1 tbsp taucu bean paste (fermented soy bean)
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Water, enough to cover the pork ribs
2 stalks of spring onion, cut thinly, to garnish
6-8 shitake mushrooms (optional)

1.Heat the oil in a large pot over a low heat, then add the garlic, onion and ginger and fry for 2 minutes, or until the garlic turns golden.

2. Add the cinnamon stick, star anise, and cloves and fry for a further 1 minute.

3. Add the pork ribs to the pot and fry, stirring constantly, for 4-5 minutes or until the meat has browned. If using shitake mushrooms, add them now.

4. Add the tomato, taucu and water. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer gently for 1 ½ to 2 hours, until the meat falls off the bone easily.

5. Remove from heat and serve immediately with cooked rice. Garnish with some spring onions.


  1. you can open restaurant ad with that are a good cook feel free to drop by pls ^^

  2. you'll be able to pass down that recipe to your children for them to cook as well! :D

  3. I can eat this dish with two bowls of rice

  4. very simple to cook, will try with either chicken or lamb, I don't cook pork at home although do take it outside.

  5. ahh this is perfect comfort food!

  6. kumfye: Thanks for yr compliments. Will visit your blog later :)

  7. Sean: Haha Im hoping my daughter shows interest in cooking. Trying to groom her to be the next Junior Masterchef :P

  8. Small Kucing: You make this often too?

  9. Nava.K: Chicken would probably work better with this recipe, lamb might be too overpowering.

  10. Kitchengoodies: Ah yes, and best of all it is something which can be cooked/prepared so easily.


Please drop any comments or questions you may have here. Thank you so much for reading!