
Friday, April 1, 2011

Halloumi invited to Brunch..

Sainsbury's supermarket in the UK truly is a Godsend, you can get almost everything under one roof. Not only did I get all the constituent parts for my brunch today I also picked up some birthday cards, a nice dress for our daughter and a nice novelty gift for her which will feature in its own blog entry later.

Cracking brunch

The purpose of my trip to the supermarket was to collect the ingredients for my brunch the following day. It has been 3 years since I was in Scotland last, therefore I looked out for local specialities which can not be found outside Scotland. One of them are these Scottish Butteries.

Many of you may not be familiar with Scottish Butteries. Butteries, also referred to as Morning Rolls by the locals, are a common sight in corner shops where people collect their newspapers or a pint of milk. They are made up of wheat flour and vegetable oil and are presented much like a savoury pancake.

Best served warm, I generally heat them on (not in) the toaster to render them warm before spreading with butter. These butteries were melt in the mouth, not at all like bread in texture but more like a savoury pastry.


Eaten too often, these will pile on the pounds around your waist line, however in moderation they are a sinful pleasure.

I have joined the Instagram revolution

Here are some of the ingredients I sourced for my brunch.

Sundried Tomatoes

6 Outdoor Bred Cumberland Pork Sausages (super yummy!)

Beef & Cracked Black Pepper Sausages

Halloumi (an experimental addition to my brunch)

4 Sausages (waiting to feel the heat..)

Halloumi (stripped and ready for action..)

2 Fresh Free Range Eggs (cracked into a pan of hot oil..)

Maybe I am prejudiced however I felt these egg yolks looked much nicer than the ones we've been getting in Kuala Lumpur.

I cooked the sausages for 15 minutes under the grill with tin foil below them to save the grill and grill pan from becoming too messy. With 6 minutes cooking time remaining I added the Halloumi cheese to the grill however when it looked like the Halloumi was bubbling I wasn't happy with it's colour (effectively still white). So I finished the Halloumi off in the frying pan which was earlier used to fry the eggs. Within a couple of minutes, I had the golden brown appearance I was looking for.

Brunch is served

I have eaten Halloumi cheese several times, however never with eggs and sausages. It proved to be a great accompaniment, adding all the saltiness this dish required. Additional seasoning was provided by freshly ground black pepper and a spot of tomato ketchup.

Some sundried tomato and grilled cherry tomatoes completed my brunch. Very satisfying yet very simple. One last mopping up of the plate with the last piece of Halloumi and I was full.

Why not treat yourself to a full breakfast this weekend? Try some Halloumi with it and let me know if you like it.

*This is a guest post by ChloeandDaniel'sDaddy


  1. You can get nice egg yolks from kl if you get free range ones!

  2. wow the egg yolks certainly look incredibly attractive! :)

  3. i miss the hearty breakfast!
    your post made me miss Sainsbury so much. Used to shop here every weekend during my UK days. :)

  4. Michelle: But I think the UK ones are more orange :P

  5. ronnycakes: Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. And not forgetting the very delicious Cumberland sausages.. :)

  6. Christine: Oh, thanks for commenting. You studied in UK too? Sainsburys really has a lot of wonderful things, I love grocery shopping here so much :) (Now they have so much nice clothes and novelty stuff too)

  7. if you dig deep enough, butter lies at the heart of all things good and yummie :D

  8. Ciki: Homemade butter is the best!


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