
Monday, February 22, 2021

Recipe Video: Stir Fried Scallops with Sugar Snap Peas

Here's another easy recipe for Chinese New Year and beyond! Scallops symbolises new opportunities, so is a great dish to serve during CNY. We also regularly cook this for our weekday meals cos... it's easy to cook and will be ready in less than 10 minutes.

For this recipe, we like using medium-sized scallops. They cook in a minute; remember not to overcook cos scallops, like many other seafood, shrinks and becomes rubbery when you cook them for too long.

Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas

Click here to watch the video on YouTube ;) (link here)

Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas
Stir fried scallops with sugar snap peas
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 8-10 minutes
Serves 4

300g scallops
2 tbsp cooking oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
120g sugar snap peas or sweet pea, trimmed
1/3 carrot, peeled and thinly sliced
1 tbsp water
1/2 tsp chicken stock granules
Freshly ground black pepper

1. See video for cooking instructions.

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1 comment:

  1. Scallops, like prawns, will take the taste of any dish to a whole new level.


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