
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Recipe Video: How to Make Salted Egg Yolk Cornflakes

Today, we'll be sharing the recipe video for one of our favourite CNY snacks - salted egg yolk cornflakes! 

(Warning: Super addictive! We will not be held responsible if you put on weight after eating this :P)

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.

For the full written recipe, click here.

salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe salted egg yolk cornflakes recipe
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1 comment:

  1. Oh! I thought you'd be making those popular ones around Chinese New Year, the ones in tiny cups, the cornflakes with honey.


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