
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Recipe: Mango Sticky Rice (Thai dessert)

BabySumoKids' love for mango sticky rice started one fine evening when we went for a fiery Thai meal. Now, everytime we visit a Thai restaurant, mango sticky rice is a must-order dessert. At first it was one dessert between four, and lately it's been one between two and still, they would want more.

Mangoes are in abundance in supermarkets now, so I thought it'd be nice to make their favourite Thai dessert at home. The mangoes were really sweet and have ripened nicely, so it was the perfect pairing for the sticky rice. This time, I used regular caster sugar instead of palm sugar as I prefer the rice looking "white" rather than having a brown hue, just like how they serve it in the Thai restaurants.

One plate each, everyone should be happy now, right?

Thai mango sticky rice (Khao Neow Ma-Muang)
Recipe by Baby Sumo, adapted from here
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25-30 minutes
Serves 4-5


For the steamed sticky rice with coconut milk
300g sticky or glutinous rice
250ml coconut milk

For garnishing
2-3 large ripe mangoes
200ml coconut milk

3 tbsp caster sugar
3/4 tsp salt

1. Put the rice in a bowl and pour in enough cold water to cover the rice. Soak for at least 3-4 hours. Drain and transfer to a steamer basket (or just use a plate suitable for steaming). Spread the rice in basket/plate and place in the steamer over low heat. Steam for 25-30 minutes, or until the rice swells and is tender (take a grain and test). The cooking time will vary depending on the soaking time.

2. While the rice is cooking, place all the coconut milk (250ml +200ml) in small saucepan, along with the sugar and salt over low heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. This will take about 5 minutes.

3. Once the rice is cooked, pour 250ml of coconut milk over the rice and use a wooden spoon to mix thoroughly. Transfer to a large tray and spread out the rice to help it cool quickly. If it cools slowly it will be soggy rather than sticky.

4. Peel the mangoes and slice off the two outside cheeks of each, removing as much flesh as you can in large pieces. Slice each cheek into smaller pieces, horizontally.

5. Place a mound of sticky rice on a serving plate, then arrange the mango pieces on top. Spoon some coconut milk on top. Serve warm.

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