
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Recipe: Cute Homemade Panda Tang Yuan

During Winter Solstice Festival this year, we didn't get to make tong yuen as one of the kids was ill. They were upset, as its an annual affair that they enjoy... so I told them not to worry, and we will make them once they get better.

We finally found the time to make them yesterday, and boy we had fun! Very messy but there was definitely lots of laughter and fun in the room. We made mostly white and green balls, as well as some other characters such as panda, snowman, cat and chicken.

Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year and see you in 2017!

Homemade tong yuen or tang yuan (glutinous rice balls)
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serves 6

250g glutinous rice flour
200g - 250g water, approx.
Green and black food colouring

For the syrup
1l water
5 pandan leaves, knotted
1 inch gula melaka, approx. 50g (palm sugar or Malacca sugar)
2 inch ginger, sliced and crushed

To garnish
1 pandan leaf, cut into half and into 1 inch long and then knotted

100g crushed peanuts
1/4 grated coconut

1. Sift the glutinous rice flour into a large bowl. Gradually add water to form a stiff dough. Place dough on board and knead well for 3-4 minutes.

2. Pinch off a small bit of dough (A) and divide the rest into two (B & C). Add a small drop of food colouring onto dough A, and green colouring onto dough B. Roll each firmly into the size of a marble ball. Place rice balls (Tang yuan) onto a tray.

3. To make the panda, roll a white ball, then flatten with your fingers. Form two ears and stick into the head. Then using the black dough, make the inside of the ear, as well as eyes and nose. Then make two small white dots for the eye whites. 

4. To make the syrup, bring water to boil and add pandan leaves, gula melaka and ginger. Allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes and remove from heat.

5. Bring half a saucepan of water to a boil. Put in the tong yuen and cook until they float to the surface. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in syrup. Place a mini knotted pandan leaf in each bowl as garnish. Serve with grated coconut and crushed peanuts.

For homemade tang yuan using natural food colouring, see this post.

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