
Monday, May 30, 2016

Homeschooling: How to Make Giant Bubbles at Home

Last week, we took our kids to see Dr Bubble with Milkshake show at PJ Live Arts in Jaya One. This interactive storytelling show features all things bubbles - we got to see monster bubbles, bubble in a bubble, smokey bubbles, and much more.

Dr Bubble at PJ Live Arts (full screen here)

It's school holidays this week, but ironically, BabySumoKids requested that we do "homeschooling" on the first day of the school holidays. First lesson of the day was Science, and for Science, Hubby was the teacher-in-charge, and he decided to let them learn and play with bubbles, as inspired by Dr Bubble. You too can have a magical day of bubble fun at home with your kids - I guarantee that they will love it!

You can see easily buy bubble solution in the stores, which usually comes with a bubble wand. However, you can also DIY your own bubble solution - simply mix washing liquid with water in a shallow container / plate. For the bubble wand, we used a variety of apparatus to achieve different bubbles. The best one we made today was using an old badminton racket (with no more strings in the centre) to make giant bubbles. The racket was bent at an angle to enable the kids to easily dip it in the bubble solution, and then create lots of big bubbles. If you do not have an old racket in the house, you can buy a cheap one at Daiso or DIY for slightly over RM5.

 Yay we can make giant bubbles too! :)

Our giant bubble!

We also used mesh to create multiple bubbles in one go, as well as straws to create "caterpillar bubbles" (ie several small bubbles attached to one another to look like a caterpillar).

We sure had fun experimenting with bubbles today :)

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  1. the girl looks like she's gonna be taller than the dad in a few years time?

  2. Homeschooling during school holidays.


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