
Monday, March 21, 2016

Horlicks NutriQuest : Tall, Strong & Sharp

The Horlicks NutriQuest campaign is designed by Horlicks to engage children of all ages and provide a platform for them to learn about nutrition in a fun and interactive way. The launch couldn't be timed any better, with Malaysian school holidays currently upon us.

As parents, we all try to provide the best for our children. Horlicks, also known as the Growth Nourisher is a popular nutritional health food drink for children and is power packed with 23 vital nutrients essential for growth and development of children. By giving Horlicks to our children, we can help them grow taller, stronger and sharper while staying nourished every day.

With this campaign, Horlicks is capturing children's and parent's imaginations via the creation of a mobile game application which incorporates the Tall, Strong and Sharp elements into the game play.  To defeat Dr. Greedy, one has to be tall, grow strong and sharp which resonates with Horlicks' brand promise that healthy nutrition is the foundation for success.

Essentially, Dr Greedy and his Metaloids are plotting to rid the world of Horlicks thus denying children the chance to grow taller, stronger and sharper. Please watch the video below for an introduction to Horlicks NutriQuest and to get up to speed with the "Breaking News".

We were amongst some of the lucky families invited along to the Horlicks NutriQuest roadshow which took place over the weekend of 10-13th March at Sunway Pyramid.

The event was a lot of fun; we enjoyed a taste of Horlicks upon entry and familiarized ourselves with the activities offered at the roadshow. After listening to the short speech by Stacy Wallace, the General Manager of GSK Consumer Healthcare Malaysia, she also officiated the Horlicks NutriQuest Campaign together with the kids and families who have attended the event.

The roadshow featured interactive activities that aimed to bring the NutriQuest game to life. During the roadshow, we all took the opportunity to take part in the games.

The children were encouraged to demonstrate their ability in jumping high, at the TALL booth. A star was dangled above them (customized to a suitable height for each participant) and the child was asked to jump up and literally reach for the stars.

In order to demonstrate how STRONG they were, the children were asked to knock over a giant inflatable Dr Greedy 5 times in a row.

Sharp and accurate shooting was required to demonstrate the child's ability to be SHARP enough to take on Dr Greedy. 

After successfully completing each activity, the child would get his/her card stamped.  Upon collecting all 3 stamps a 'prize' was awarded.

Two mobile devices were available at the Sunway Pyramid roadshow to showcase the Horlicks NutriQuest mobile game application and provide the children a chance to play the actual game itself. Chloe did her part in helping defeat Dr Greedy by advancing the game onto the next level :-)

We got the chance to meet Dr Greedy in person at the roadshow and took the opportunity to grab a family photo with him.  Hubby reminded us all that Dr Greedy is the enemy lol.

There was a photo booth and photographs were efficiently printed and passed onto us as a momento of our time at the roadshow.

You can collect NutriCoins that come together with special limited edition Horlicks packs.  Why should YOU start collecting NutriCoins?  The NutriCoins can help you to unlock new levels in the 4th Dimension World within the Horlicks NutriQuest game.  Additionally you can also use the NutriCoins to collect exclusive prizes including the Horlicks NutriQuest watch with 3 NutriCoins, the Horlicks NutriQuest cap with 2 NutriCoins and the characters key chain with one NutriCoin. You can collect your prizes through online redemption at the Horlicks NutriQuest website.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, download the game on your mobile devices (Android and iOS) today. Join us in the thrilling virtual adventure-filled quest to hunt and defeat Dr Greedy. Stay tuned for our next post on our experience playing the Horlicks NutriQuest game and some useful tips to help you advance through the game.

For more info on Horlicks NutriQuest, please visit

*This is a sponsored post.


  1. Sounds like an interesting event. Happiness is written all over the kids' faces. :)

  2. Wow they're really growing up in front of our eyes! I love anything malty, Horlicks included :D


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