
Monday, February 1, 2016

Durian cendol and chicken rice ball, Melaka

We've been on the move recently with visits to Ipoh and Port Dickson. We added a third to the list right after, with a visit to Melaka. Melaka is a great place to visit with its rich heritage and sightseeing opportunities. Obviously, the food on offer there is not too shabby either!

We had a walk around before heading over to Jonker Street for some cendol and chicken rice.

Old train on display

Melaka has its own T-Rex too!

A visit to A Famosa, the "famous" Portuguese fortress, is warranted if you are a first timer to Melaka. The sun was scorching hot and the walk to the peak of the hill where it is situated left us sweating quite a bit. But it definitely is worth a visit, especially to have a look at a piece of history and also the view from the top of St. Paul's Hill.

The Governer's Museum

Baby D having a breather after a couple of attempts to "hike" the unconventional way

We then made our way towards Jonker Street and our first destination was Chung Wah for some chicken rice balls. A queue had already formed outside the shop, giving an indication of its popularity. We decided to delegate the troops by having a person stand in line, while the others went to get some drinks and cendol from San Shu Gong, which is situated opposite the restaurant. San Shu Gong is most well known for their durian cendol, and sells various snacks such as dodol, traditional biscuits and drinks.

We bought some nyonya kuih from a nearby stall to share.

To cool down ourselves from the sweltering heat outside, we got some cold lime essence drink and also durian cendol.

The durian cendol (RM5.80) was good, among the better ones we have tasted before. We liked that they are generous with their portions and the condiments that come with the cendol. The taste of durian went very well with the thick gula melaka. Definitely a refreshing delight at that time of the day.

"Look, I'm a durian!"

Opening Hours: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm (Daily)

Location: San Shu Gong, 33, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka.

Tel: 06-282 8381


We finally got into Chung Wah restaurant after about 45 minutes of waiting

The restaurant works like clockwork, from the moment you leave the waiting line. You tell the waiter the number of persons in your group and you are ushered to a table where you are offered barley drink (we took two), and the chicken and rice balls are brought to your table automatically. No ordering or deliberating necessary. Seems like the shop owners have decided on this system where the customer does not get a choice. It seems like it helps with the speed at which food/customers flows in and out of the restaurant.

However, we were not overly impressed with the quality of the food on offer here. We felt that the chicken was slightly overcooked, but that might be just our personal taste. In general, the food is alright, but not so much that it would warrant a 45 minute wait, and the general impression of the place gives you the feeling that you get in, eat as fast as possible, and leave in a jiffy.

Opening times: Mon-Fri 8.30am-3pm; Sat-Sun 8.30am - 4pm.

Price: Total bill RM55 - 1 chicken, 20 rice balls, 2 barley drinks.

Location: Chung Wah, 18, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka, Malaysia.


After lunch, we made our way to Dataran Pahlawan, and had a look at their Doraemon exhibition while enjoying some lower temperatures after the punishing afternoon heat we experienced from before. The kids certainly enjoyed this one!

*This is a guest post by The Unc.

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  1. At the speed they're serving, it looks like they butchered the poor! :D

  2. You should try Restaurant Lee Swee Meng. Their claypot dishes are almost heavenly.

  3. That's so sad that you didn't have the time to enjoy the chicken. But luckily, you enjoyed the Durian cendol. And it looks like you had a fun time exploring Melaka!


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