
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Recipe: Pineapple Nastar Rolls v2.0

Pineapple nastar roll is our family's favorite CNY cookie. Without fail, we will bake pineapple tarts every year for Chinese New Year. Over the past few years, I have been using this recipe and have made slight amendments to further improve it.

Some minor changes that I have made to improve the recipe:
1. Replaced the creamer with condensed milk.
2. Bake for 18 minutes on 170°C (no fan), then switch to 170°C (fan mode) and bake for a further 2 minutes. This helps the pineapple nastar rolls brown to a nice golden shade.

Enjoy this step-by-step video I made (link here)

All nicely packed in jars to be gifted to friends and family :)

Pineapple Nastar Rolls 凤梨酥 v2.0
Recipe by Baby Sumo, adapted from here
Preparation time: 1 1/2 hours
Cooking time: 20 mins (per batch)
Makes about 180

350g salted butter, softened at room temperature
100g full cream sweetened condensed milk (F&N brand)
510g plain flour, sifted
2 egg yolk
1 kg pineapple filling (homemade or store-bought)

For the egg wash
1 egg yolk, for egg wash
1 tbsp cold milk

1. Preheat oven to 170°C (no fan). Line two baking trays with greaseproof paper.

2. Using an electric mixer, cream butter and condensed milk until light and fluffy, about 4-5 minutes. Add in egg yolks, and beat until combined.

3. Add flour and mix until the dough comes together and does not stick to your fingers. (Note: Texture of dough will be soft but not sticky).

4. Pinch off some pineapple jam (about 1/2 tsp) and roll into grape-sized oval shapes.

5. Put dough into a Nastar mould and press out into long strips. Place pineapple jam filling on the edge of a strip and roll up into a small elongated roll. Cut off excess dough and place on baking tray. Repeat until all dough and jam is used up.

6. In a small bowl/cup, beat the egg yolks for egg wash with the cold milk. Brush the pineapple rolls with egg glaze.

7. Bake in preheated oven for 18 mins, then switch to 170°C (fan mode) and bake for a further 2 minutes, However please keep an eye to avoid the rolls from overbrowning.

8. Remove and allow to cool on wire rack before storing in airtight container. They taste best after cooling completely, and left for at least 12-24 hours.


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  1. Yen, your pineapple tarts are lovely! I am contemplating making some but it looks like a lot of hard work hah..hah...

  2. Great looking pineapple tarts you've made. It happens to be my husband's favourite but too much work especially if I want a homemade pineapple jam rather than those store-bought ones! >.<

  3. Hi Yen,

    We are the same too... Baking pineapple tarts for CNY is a must for us every year. Very lovely nastar tarts :)



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