
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunway Pyramid #PixSomethingNice Campaign

Earlier this week, we took the kids to Sunway Lagoon as Baby D wanted to spend his birthday there. After that, we strolled around Sunway Pyramid and we came across two familiar faces....

Yup, it's BabySumoKids being featured at the Water Feature Area (Ground Floor near the ice skating rink) for Sunway Pyramid's "Pix Something Nice" Campaign. Thanks Nuffnang for this opportunity! ;)

Kids were super happy to see their photo being displayed in the mall :)

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  1. Hi Yen,

    Your kids are always very photogenic! They look very natural and good in this displayed photo :D


  2. I agree with Zoe. Have they started school yet or are you homeschooling them? Bet you will miss them when they go to school. Makes me think of "Slipping thru' my fingers" from Mamma Mia.


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