
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Recipe: German Cookies - Kids Version

What time is it?

It's Cookie O'Clock ;)

This school holidays, we did a fair bit of baking at home. One of the things the kids really enjoyed making were German cookies. We made them before twice during CNY, and even then, they had enjoyed the simple tasks of rolling the dough into balls and then imprinting the fork marks on the cookies. 

This time, I doubled the recipe and we made about 65-70 round cookies. After filling up two trays, we had some leftover dough, so kids asked, "Can we make some cute shapes with the dough?"

Surprisingly the dough was very manageable and they managed to make these cute shapes:
1. Baby penguins + chocolate chip for eyes, mouth, hands and feet. So cute! (100% kids idea)
2. Mini pau (bun) - Baby C's idea... she even put a chocolate chip inside each pau to represent the chicken char siu filling. So clever!
3. Pizza with chocolate chip and hundreds and thousands as topping.

They sure had fun shaping them, and they were very yummy to eat as well!

Awesome creations by babysumokids

Thank you babysumokids for making these delicious, buttery German cookies :)

For the recipe, please click here.

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  1. cookie o'clock! i love that! everyday should have at least one cookie o'clock and a cake o'clock too! :D

  2. Looks like the kids had a lot of fun, especially the last bit. The penguins. mini pau and pizza are so cute!

  3. Aww this seems so fun with kids! The penguin cookies look the cutest!

  4. Have you grown thinner? You make, and hubby and kids eat? :D

  5. How's the cute creations of the kids after baked? Curious to have a look :P
    Sam felt excited too when I asking for her help to made the fork imprint ~


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