
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The All-New Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations

Every day I look forward to picking up the kids from school, and on our drive home, they often tell me about their day (mummy, I got 100% for my spelling tests | I learnt times table 4 today | I had roti canai during morning break). Upon arriving home we enjoy a family dinner, spend time together and what better way to bond together as a family and end the day on a sweet note than with chocolate.

I grew up eating Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate, Malaysia's leading chocolate brand and my kids also love it. Now, Malaysians get to enjoy the new Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations - sure to bring more joy and happiness into our lives :)

On 9 May 2015, we attended the launch of the Marvellous Creations Carnival at Sunway Pyramid whereby the world of Marvellous Creations was brought to life with a fun and quirky carnival experience. The Marvellous Creations Carnival was launched by a very special guest, Malaysia's singing sweetheart Dato' Siti Nurhaliza.

Excited to be at The Marvellous Creations Carnival

Dato' Siti Nurhaliza sharing with us her favorite Cadbury moments

The Carnival embodies the experience of Cadbury Dairy Milk's new Marvellous Creations and brings the joyful chocolate experience to life to the public. At the carnival, there were lots of fun-filled activities as well as the opportunity to sample and purchase the two new delicious flavours. Our family sure had fun playing all the exciting games such as Cookie Crush, Jelly Popper and Cookie Shot. And the kids couldn't stop popping the chocolates in their mouth, they were really good!

There was a live brass band performance

Mmmm Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations, simply marvellous!

Cookie Shot... our kids had fun playing this at the carnival

Giving a shot at the Jelly Blast game

Hubby transformed into a kangaroo for the Cookie Crush game

In Malaysia, we can now experience Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations, namely the Jelly Popping Candy and Peanut Toffee Cookie. It has the deliciousness of Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate plus extra special ingredients which in turn gives the chocolate lots of fun textures and sensations. Each bite is different and is like a carnival in the mouth. Furthermore, Marvellous Creations have unusually shaped chocolates, thanks to the unique chocolate mould they are made in.

Bite into the Jelly Popping Candy and you will find jelly, candy bits and popping candy covered in Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate, and with the Peanut Toffee Cookie, you will find peanut, toffee and cookie bits.

So which one wins my vote? It's a really tough decision as they both have their merits and taste awesome, but if I had to choose, then it would be the Jelly Popping Candy (which is Dato' Siti Nurhaliza's favorite as well!). I simply love the popping and tingling sensation in the mouth, thanks to the popping candy, which reminds me of fun times from my childhood.

Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations is indeed the perfect treat to share with the family, without blowing the budget. They are available across Malaysia in a 160g bar (RM8.90 RCP) and 40g bar (RM2.90 RCP).

 Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations Jelly Popping Candy 

Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations Peanut Toffee Cookie

For further details on Marvellous Creations and the Marvellous Carnival, please visit

*This is a sponsored post.


  1. i loved cadbury when i was growing up too ... i'll look out for the peanut toffee cookie creation! :)

  2. great part of having kids! join the fun filled events. believed these new flavours will interest the young kids.

  3. Wow Yen! This is like a story of your two baby sumo and the chocolate factory! This looks like fun carnival :D


  4. Did you ever get the Vegemite chocolate in Malaysia? It was a joint thing between Vegemite and Cadbury! :)

    1. Heard about it, but no dont think we have it here in Malaysia.

  5. Oh yum! Chocolate! New flavours, a must-try!


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