
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Goat Xi Fa Cai | Happy Chinese New Year 2015

Wishing all readers and friends a very Happy Chinese New Year in this Year of the Goat. May you be blessed with an abundance of wealth, fortune, longevity and good health in 2015. And not forgetting lots of good food :)

Welcome Year of the Goat!

Huat ah!

Goat Xi, Goat Xi!

Photographer: My mum
Location: The Gardens Mall | Midvalley Megamall | Home

If you enjoyed reading my posts, LIKE me on Facebook! You can also follow me on Instagram (@babysumo) for more photo updates. Thanks :)


  1. Hi Yen! Dropping by to wish you and your loved ones a very happy and prosperous year! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  2. Hi Yen,
    Wishing you & family a blessed Lunar New Year!

  3. Your mom takes cool photos! You look stylishly relaxed, and Baby D looks stylishly regal in his outfit! :)


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