
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Recipe: Sugar-free Banana Cake with Salted Gula Melaka Glaze

Whenever I bake, I always try to reduce the sugar used in the bakes (if possible) as I do not want my kids to have a diet high in sugar. Banana cake is a good example of a bake which does not require sugar to make it taste good, in fact this banana cake recipe is sugar-free! :)

For this recipe, use overripe bananas (those with black spots are the best for banana cake). Both the bananas and raisins will naturally sweeten the cake without the need of any added sugar. If you like, you can also add walnuts or almonds to the cake. The salted gula melaka (palm sugar) glaze is optional - you can skip it as the cake tastes good even without it. I made it as an experiment to see how well it would work on a banana cake :)

We love the moist texture of the cake, and best of all, we feel no guilt in eating a few extra pieces since it is sugar-free :) Plus the fact that this is such an easy recipe (all you gotta do is mix it with your wooden spoon - no electric mixer required! Which also equates to less cleaning up to do afterwards ;)) which you and your children can do together.

Great cake for those who are health-conscious

You can either brush the salted gula melaka syrup on top of the cake or drizzle it over the cake before serving :)

Sugar-free banana cake with salted gula melaka glaze
Recipe by Baby Sumo, adapted from here
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 35-45 minutes
Serves 6

125g self-raising flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp ground cinnamon
75g sultanas or raisins
50g butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
1 tbsp milk
3 medium ripe bananas, mashed

For the salted gula melaka glaze (optional)
2 tbsp concentrated gula melaka syrup or homemade syrup
2 large pinches of fleur de sel or sea salt

1.Preheat the oven to 180°C (no fan). Grease and line the base of a 450g loaf tin with baking parchment.

2. Sift the flour, baking powder, and cinnamon into a large bowl. Add the sultanas/raisins and mix with a wooden spoon.

3. Place melted butter, vanilla essence, egg, milk and mashed bananas into another bowl and mix with a whisk or fork.

4. Pour the wet ingredients (from Step 3) into the dry mixture (from Step 2) and combine thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

5. Pour the cake mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 35-45 mins or until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Remove the cake from the oven and brush the salted gula melaka glaze while the cake is warm. Allow to cool in the tin for 10 minutes then turn out to cool completely on a wire rack.

6. For the salted gula melaka glaze, you can use either store-bought concentrated gula melaka syrup or make your own easily (see Step 1 in this post for details). Place the syrup in a bowl over a double boiler, then add the salt and mix until dissolved.

Note: Your kids can help with Step 2-4. You can also add nuts such as walnuts or almonds to the cake.

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  1. The cakes look yummy. Well done on trying to cut out sugar. Reports have shown it will improve health tremendously. however gula melaka now is not as it used to be, there's sugar content in it :(

    1. Hi Shannon, the salted gula melaka was more of an experiment for me to see how well it would go with banana cake. I would very happily eat the sugar-free banana cake on its own :)

  2. Hi Yen,
    Sugar-free banana cake sounds good to me. I always reduced the amount of sugar for bakes, as the western recipes are loaded with sugar! Your cake would be great with a cup of warm tea!

  3. Gula Melaka? Oooo...that must be extra-fragrant! Sure looks good. Never mind the sugar, I love banana cake with ice cream, chocolate.

  4. I love the plain freshly bake banana cakes !

  5. Hi Yen!
    This is a beautiful and healthy banana cake. My family will love it.
    Ripe banana and raisins already have it's natural sweetness. So it's ok to go without sugar.

  6. Sugar free sounds good and salted gula melaka glaze makes it interesting! Would love a piece with my coffee :)

  7. awesome, these look just so much better than commercial store-bought banana cakes. you're a baking mastermind! i love the idea of a salted gula melaka glaze :)

  8. A great idea to make this lower in sugar. I would imagine that kids are forming their taste buds a lot during that age :)

  9. Thanks for the recipe. Didnt know can be without sugar

  10. Wow I am impressed that this recipe doesn't require sugar! And yet looks so good.

  11. I wanna be a kid in your home too, LOL, sugar-free zone, and it's really awesome that you can make cakes without sugar! Thumbs up babe!~ :-)

  12. hi! may i ask what type of milk u use? low fat or full fat kind?

    1. Hi there,please use either full-fat or fresh milk for this recipe. Thanks :)

  13. Hi! : Thank You so much to share this recipe with helpful steps. I made this sugar free cakes it was really awesome…

    Recipe of Sugar free Cakes

  14. Yummy……like this delicious apricot loaf cake recipes because it's healthy and tasty.

    Apricot Loaf Cake Recipes


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