
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Recipe: Jamie Oliver's Bloomin' Brilliant Chocolate Brownies

Baby C had a few days off school last week, so we decided to bake something nice to share with our family. After some discussion, we agreed upon chocolate brownies. We are using our tried and tested Jamie Oliver's Bloomin' Brilliant chocolate brownies recipe which yields great results :)

Chocolate Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream

This is a really easy recipe, hence I measured out the ingredients and let Baby C do ALL the work. She did a really great job - a very competent little helper :)

This is a really sumptuous, fudgy, and rich chocolate brownie. I love eating it warm with some vanilla ice cream. Thanks Baby C for making this! Absolutely brilliant.

Jamie Oliver's Bloomin' Brilliant Chocolate Brownies
Recipe adapted from here
Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Cooking time: 25-30 minutes
Serves 6-8

250g unsalted butter
200g good-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken up
80g walnuts, roughly chopped
80g cocoa powder, sifted
65g plain flour, sifted
1 tsp baking powder
360 g caster sugar
4 large free-range eggs

To serve
Good quality vanilla ice cream
Korean strawberries

1. Preheat your oven to 180°C. Line a 25cm square baking tin with greaseproof paper. In a large bowl over some simmering water, melt the butter and the chocolate and mix until smooth. Add the chopped nuts, and stir together.

2. In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, flour, baking powder and sugar, then add this to the chocolate and nut mixture. Stir together well. Beat the eggs and mix in until you have a silky consistency.

3. Pour your brownie mix into the baking tray, and place in the preheated oven for around 25 minutes. You don't want to overcook them so, unlike cakes, you don't want a skewer to come out all clean. The brownies should be slightly springy on the outside but still gooey in the middle.

4. Allow to cool in the tray, then carefully transfer to a large chopping board and cut into chunky squares. Serve with vanilla ice cream and strawberries.

Note: You can place the brownies in the microwave for about 10 seconds to warm it up before serving.

I am submitting this to the "Cook Like a Star 2nd anniversay" event which is hosted by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Joyce of Kitchen Flavours and Mich of Piece of Cake.

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  1. Wow, Baby C did a very good job! Looks really good with ice cream and strawberries :)

  2. i like how dark and fudgy it looks! wow, your baby is getting into professional level...hehe..

    1. Haha... it's an easy melt, mix and stir recipe :) But I'm proud she can follow instructions very well.

  3. the brownie looks so moist and rich! excellent! :D

  4. Hi Yen,

    Baby C is so clever baking these brownies. She must be happy that she baked such a delicious brownies :D


  5. Hi Yen,

    Both my girls love brownie, what's not with a scoop of their favorite vanilla ice cream Looking forward to bake this weekend. *keeping fingers crossed** ahhaa

  6. Baby C is growing up fast, and jamie oliver never fails.

  7. Hi Yen,
    The brownies looks really good, especially with the ice cream!
    Your little girl is turning into quite a little pastry chef!
    Good job, Baby C! Two Thumbs up from Auntie Joyce! :)

  8. Love her thumb's up picture with smile! Good job mommy! She's turning into a pretty amazing mini chef already! :)

  9. Wow! Bravo Baby C ! What a decadent fudgey brownies ! YUMMY ;)

  10. Wow so moist, rich and decadent!


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