
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Recipe: Baguette Bread and Butter Pudding

Baby D loves eating baguette, so whenever we go to the supermarket, he will ask us to buy the "his favorite bread" for him. Once, we bought 2 loaves and couldn't finish it (gone a bit hard/stale by Day 2), so Hubby told us that he would make a baguette bread and butter pudding for brunch. Dessert for brunch? - I like the sound of that! ;)

Baguette bread and butter pudding

The recipe he is using is my trusted Delia Smith rich bread and butter pudding recipe. The baguette is sliced to about 1cm thick, then layered in the baking dish, before the rich egg custard sauce is poured over. He added in some ground cinnamon and nutmeg too. We love having bread and butter pudding as soon as it comes out of the oven - the lovely smell of spices, warm crispy bread and a lovely custardy centre is the best! 

Good job Hubby, that's a very good likeness to Delia's :)

I have to say, after having this baguette version, I think I will use baguette in my future bread and butter pudding bakes. I really like the texture contrast between the top layer (very crispy) vs the softer, creamy bottom layer. Hubby served it with some whipped cream - a very indulgent brunch indeed :)

If you find yourself with stale bread, don't worry - just make bread and butter pudding!

Baguette bread and butter pudding
Recipe by Baby Sumo, adapted from Delia Smith
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 30-35 minutes
Serves 4-6

1 baguette, cut into 1cm thick slices
50g currants or raisins
275ml full cream milk
60ml whipping cream
50g caster sugar
3 eggs, beaten
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

To serve
Whipped cream, vanilla ice cream or pouring cream

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (no fan).

2. Butter a 1.2l enamel baking dish (one of the oblong kind). Well, I didn't have one of those so I just used a 24cm rectangular ovenproof dish.

3. Generously butter the baguette pieces, and then arrange one layer of buttered bread over the base of the baking dish and sprinkle half the currants/raisins over. Cover with another layer of bread slices and add the remainder of the currants/raisins.

4. In a measuring jug, measure out the milk and add the cream. Stir in the caster sugar until well dissolved, then whisk the eggs into the milk mixture. Mix the ground nutmeg and cinnamon. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the bread.

5. Bake in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Leave to cool for 5 mins and serve warm. You can serve it on its own or with some pouring cream, vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream.

Note: You can use any other stale bread to make this. You will need approximately 1 small loaf or 8 slices bread. 

I am submitting this to the "Cook Like a Star 2nd anniversay" event which is hosted by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Joyce of Kitchen Flavours and Mich of Piece of Cake.

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  1. Hi Yen,
    My kids love bread pudding, but I have not tried it with baguette before!
    Serving it with whipped cream does look really good!
    Thanks for linking!

  2. Interesting twist, never thought one could use baguette for this dessert, thanks for sharing!

  3. that's a fun way to improvise and create something delicious! :D

  4. I will always have some stale bread here, since I can finish one roll by myself. :P

  5. Hi Yen,
    Looks like another easy yet delicious sharing, keep it will try one day,Thanks.

  6. Not just your baby D, I also like this baguette!

  7. I can see lots of raisins there...that's what I heart about bread pudding.

  8. Very nice! I too think using baguette is a good idea, made a very gorgeous pudding.

  9. Yen, I am going to try this soon!

  10. Hi Yen,

    I always eat my bread and butter pudding using sandwich bread. Using baguette must be giving the pudding lots of extra texture. Baby D must be loving this too :D


  11. This looks delicious, I will try it out. Thanks for the recipe.

  12. Family loved it .I had a lot of french sticks over from Christmas so no waste . Loved it so much doing another for New Years Eve .Used sultanas in ours .Yum


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