
Monday, June 17, 2013

Recipe: Easy stewed British rhubarb with vanilla ice cream

As usual, before we go on holiday I would make a list of things I would want to eat when I am there. I love the fresh produce we can get in the UK, so I was prepared to make some homecooked meals for us even when we're on holiday. Rhubarb was on the list, and luckily for us, British rhubarb is in season. Of course, we can get rhubarb in KL's high-end supermarkets too, such as Ben's Independent Grocer but they are selling at RM52.90 per kg!

Since I've never cooked rhubarb before, I delegated the task to Hubby who grew up eating rhubarb, sometimes harvested from his father's garden. This stewed rhubarb with vanilla ice cream is one of the simplest, nicest desserts I have had in a while - great job Hubby!

Stewed British rhubarb with vanilla ice cream

On our day trip to Braemar in Scotland, we stopped by in Aboyne for a photo opportunity and when passing one of the gardens, my father-in-law pointed out this rhubarb plant to me. Nice to be able to see this upclose as usually we only see the stalks/stems in the supermarkets. The leaves are usually discarded because they contain oxalic acid and are poisonous. According to my FIL, rhubarb are very easy to grow as they will flourish without much attention  - too bad we cannot grow it here in KL though!

Rhubarb is too tart to be eaten raw, so it should be cooked with plenty of sugar. The way my MIL makes it is that she first places the chopped rhubarb in a bowl and sprinkle it with sugar - this will help release the juices from the rhubarb. Then it is placed in a small saucepan and cooked over medium high heat until tender, about 10 to 15 minutes.

I love the tart, refreshing taste of the stewed rhubarb, accompanied by the rich creamy vanilla ice cream. This simple dessert is garnished with some edible flowers from my FIL's garden for a more exquisite finish.

Easy to make but tastes so good!

Stewed rhubarb with vanilla ice cream
Recipe by Baby Sumo's Hubby
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
Serves 4

400g British rhubarb
40ml water
40g sugar

To serve
Vanilla ice cream
Edible flowers, to garnish

1. Place rhubarb in a bowl and sprinkle the sugar. This will help release some of the juices from the rhubarb. Leave for 2 hours.

After 2 hours - see the juices released

2. In a small saucepan, add the rhubarb-sugar followed by water and cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until tender. It should be soft but still holds its shape.

Note: If you prefer to skip the 2 hours "waiting time", you can also place sugar and water straight in a pot and bring to the boil, then add rhubarb and cook over medium heat until tender. The above method (Step 1-2) is the way my MIL would usually make it.

3. Serve warm, topped with a quenelle of vanilla ice cream and garnish with an edible flower.

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  1. Rhubarb? No, thank you... LOL!!!

  2. Lovely presentation. Would love to try rhubarb too.

  3. oooo, rhubarb! wish it were more widely available at KL's cafes, but ya, i guess the high cost that you mentioned would be a hindrance to offering it. i've only seen rhubarb in desserts at the higher-end restaurants, like twentyone at changkat bukit bintang and g3 at telawi. your recipe looks very pretty and appetizing ... while glancing at the first photo, i thought it was something you ate at a restaurant in england :D

    1. Haha thanks for the compliment, Sean. Hubby did a great job making and plating this dessert, I have to say. My only contribution was the edible flowers on the ice cream :)

  4. rhubarb? I dont think i ever have that in my life... hahaha!

  5. Yen, I have never tasted rhubarb before :)

  6. I have tasted rhubarb in a bakewell tart and I must say it's really good. Other than that, I have not tried. Your dessert looks delicious. I'm sure you are enjoying beautiful Scotland right now. Have fun!

  7. I still remembered the first rhubarb I use was given by Veron Quay Po and make it into compote and enjoy with Avacado ice cream, it was great! So I can imagine how yummy of your dessert.

  8. Haven't tried rhubarb yet but that vanilla ice cream for sure looks delicious ;D

  9. I think I tasted rhubarb before, hmmm in some of the dessert, but I can't remember the taste now. hehehe :P

  10. I am always very curious how rhubarbs taste like. I love the pink in rhubarb.

  11. Frank's parents home used to have plenty of rhubarb too! So expensive in KL!


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