
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Recipe: Parmesan Cheese Popovers

A popover is an American version of the Yorkshire pudding, a light hollow roll made from egg batter and baked in muffin tins. It is called "popover" due to the batter swelling or "popping" over the top of the muffin tin while baking. 

Parmesan Cheese Popovers

I was making leek, onion and potato soup for lunch and wanted a quick bread recipe that I could use. Instead I found a recipe for Parmesan cheese popovers which I thought would go great with the light soup. These were incredibly easy to make - the only thing to remember is not to open the oven door as it may risk collapsing. You will also need to keep your eye on them as they brown quite quickly after the 15-minute mark, especially since the batter has cheese added to it.

I like the savouriness that the Parmesan cheese adds to the popovers. Rich, cheesy and crisp - I loved it.

Rich, cheesy and crisp 

German chorizo and Spanish Pata Negra (Jamón ibérico) ham from Germany

Topped some Pata Negra on the popovers - great together too!

Leek, onion and potato soup with Parmesan popovers

Parmesan cheese popovers
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 18-20 minutes
Makes 12

3 eggs
250ml milk, at room temperature
30g butter, melted
85g plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp paprika
30g freshly grated Parmesan cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano)

1. Preheat oven to 200°C (with fan). Grease 12 small ramekins or a 12-muffin tin with some oil/butter.

2. With an electric mixer, beat the eggs until blended. Beat in the milk and melted butter.

3. Sift the flour, salt and paprika in a separate bowl. Then, beat into the egg mixture. Add the cheese and stir.

4. Fill the prepared tin half-full and bake until golden, for about 18-20 minutes. Keep an eye as it will brown easily after the 15 minute mark. Do not open the oven door or the popovers may collapse. Serve hot.

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  1. what a cool recipe. and quite a versatile thing too, rite, can pair with a lot of different kinds of food :D

  2. The pata negra adds a touch of elegance to your popovers. Great meal!

  3. We should try to duplicate this at home one day, hehehe

  4. Yum is the word, now only if Parmesan was not so expensive here. Can I substitute?

  5. I love popovers and these looks yum!

  6. These popovers are so appetizing! YUM!

  7. Ooh I get this sinking feeling mine would definitely collapse if I had to make one myself! :D

  8. I love popovers... especialy when they are super hot fresh from the oven! The parmesan cheese seems like a great idea to pump up the flavors. Yours look just perfect with crisp brown edges.... drooling big time at this....

  9. Never had it before *sigh* It looks scrumptious !


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