
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Recipe: Moist butter cake with Crème Chantilly and edible flowers

I still had 3/4 box of edible flowers leftover from Mother's Day. Hubby posed the question to me, "So what are you going to do with the leftover flowers" to which I answered "Bake another cake!". Great answer, don't you think? I get to use up the flowers and everyone else in the family would be happy cos there will be MORE cake to enjoy! :D

Moist butter cake with Crème Chantilly and edible flowers

We've always bought butter cake from the shops, as it is one of those things which are "why bake when it's so cheap to buy outside". It is also one of those things whereby once you've made it yourself , you finally see how easy and how much nicer a homebaked one is. A classic recipe, loved by all.

Now we have a beautiful cake fit for a celebration.

A slice is never enough!

I am sure most of you would agree that although a butter cake is rich and delicious, it doesn't look like much when it has just come out from the oven. So that's when my edible flowers come in play. Edible flowers make beautiful garnishes and can totally transform a cake. I first applied a thin layer of Crème Chantilly (vanilla flavored whipped cream), both for aesthetics and since my whole family loves it. Then simply arrange the edible flowers on top and you will have one beautiful and very classy-looking cake. 

This recipe is a keeper, as the butter cake is moist, rich and buttery. It remained moist the next day (we had to keep it in the fridge due to the Crème Chantilly, but remove 30 mins before eating for it to get to room temperature). 

Both kids were very happy with the cake

Can't wait!

Time to enjoy my cake :)

Moist butter cake with Crème Chantilly and edible flowers
Recipe by Baby Sumo, cake recipe adapted from Kuali - Amy Beh
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 60-65 minutes
Serves 8-10

250g good quality unsalted butter
180g caster sugar
4 eggs, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
200g self raising flour
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp milk, at room temperature

For the Creme Chantilly
150g whipping cream
1/2 tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

To garnish
13-15 edible flowers

1. Preheat oven to 170°C (no fan).

2. Grease and line the base of a 20cm cake tin. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl.

3. Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Then, add the eggs one at a time, and beat well, repeat until all eggs are used. Mixture should be light and fluffy. Add the vanilla extract, and mix.

4. Fold in sifted flour in 3 batches, until well combined. Add the milk and mix well. Your batter will be of a dropping consistency at this point.

5.  Pour batter into prepared tin and place in preheated oven. Bake for 60-65 minutes, until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.

6. Allow cake to cool for 10 minutes, then remove from tin and allow to cool completely on a wire rack before frosting.

7. To make the Crème Chantilly, place the whipping cream, icing sugar and vanilla extract in a large bowl and beat until stiff. Put in fridge until required.

8. Once cake has cooled, spread Crème Chantilly on top, then arrange edible flowers to liking.

Note: If using 18cm cake tin, bake for 70-80 minutes.

Lovely crumb

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  1. These flowers are so pretty! Wonder where I can find these in Singapore?

    1. Usually the larger (high-end) supermarkets here will have them.

  2. Wow, the flowers are so pretty, and edible somemore!

    1. My FIL has a whole garden of them in Aberdeen!

  3. Hi, Yen! What a beautiful decorated butter cake! If I'm there will definitely ask for an extra large slice from you!

  4. Yen , the cake looks really pretty ! Those edible flowers really transform the cake from ho-hum to WOW ;D

    1. Thanks Anne! They also work well in salads too.

  5. The cake will do, everyone else can have the flowers. LOL!!!

    1. Haha! If you don't like the flowers, you can just push them aside and eat the cake only :P

  6. Beautiful, soft buttery delicious cake. wow!!!

  7. That looks really nice! Your baby boy has such a serious look on his face. That's another food critic in the making right there. =D

    1. My kids have quite good palates esp my daughter, she can tell me what ingredients I have put in most dishes/bakes.

  8. Yummy! I like this kind of butter cake!

  9. I love the way you bake just coz you have flowers to dispose of.. LOL great excuse! Goodness, josen's fav cake is the butter cake. Any chance of buying one from you ar?

    1. Haha! You can get a very good one from LDG.

  10. i nvr knew abt these edible flowers, they make the cake looks very pretty indeed!

    1. I love to use them as garnishes for desserts.

  11. Oh wow! This cake looks amazing! butter is definitely one of my favourite flavour :)


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