
Monday, June 24, 2013

Recipe: Avocado, pear and rocket salad with Parmigiano Reggiano and honey dressing

It's great when we dine in a restaurant, enjoy the meal there and go home feeling inspired to recreate a certain dish. This was the case after we dined at Botanical, whereby we really enjoyed the Pear & Avocado Salad. Here is our take on the salad with a honey dressing.

Avocado, pear and rocket salad with Parmigiano Reggiano and walnuts

The sweet honey dressing complements the slightly bitter/peppery rocket leaves and creamy avocado. The best type of pear to use for this salad is the conference pear, which has a soft texture and is pretty aromatic. The Parmigiano Reggiano cheese completes this salad by adding a subtle saltiness. A wonderful salad indeed!

With the haze situation worsening in Malaysia, it is important to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably raw or lightly cooked) to help boost your immune system. Take good care, everyone!

Avocado, pear and rocket salad with Parmigiano Reggiano and honey dressing
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Serves 2

1 avocado
1 conference pear
1 pack of rocket leaves
Freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (thin slices)
A small handful of walnuts

For the dressing:
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp Cider Vinegar
1 tbsp honey
Good pinch of rock salt
Black pepper

1. In a bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients and set aside.

2. To pit and peel the avocado, first you need to find the stalk and remove it. Hold it horizontally, with a knife through the centre until you hit the seed then move the knife in a circular motion until you go all the away around. Twist the avocado halves in opposite direction and it will come apart easily into 2 halves. Sink the knife into the avocado seed and remove.The avocado skin should peel off easily (use your hands). Slice into long thin strips and set aside. If not using immediately, sprinkle the avocados with some lime juice to avoid discolouration.

3. Peel the conference pear and then cut into thin slices. Using a cheese plane, grate the Parmigiano Reggiano into thin slices.

4. Place the rocket into a bowl and pour in half the dressing (from Step 1) and toss. Scatter the dressed rocket on a serving plate and top with the avocado and pear slices. Drizzle the remaining dressing over the slices and top with walnuts and Parmigiano Reggiano.

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  1. We like the pear & avocado salad at Botanical! Hmm we should try this at home too, healthy and yummy. :)

  2. Yummy salad! I could finish the whole plate!

  3. How I love your salads!! Such amazing combinations.

  4. hi yen, i hv never tried Parmigiano cheese before but your plate of salad definately looks pleasing. The haze is here today in ipoh. you take care too !

  5. Ah.. i wish i had this salad now. Weather is so hot, am dying for some wholesome cooling greens!

  6. put this on a menu and i'd order it for sure. love avocado, love rocket, love parmesan, love walnuts, love honey dressings. the only ingredient i don't love is pear, but that's no problem :D

  7. Very refreshing & gourmet salad you've got here. Looks very inviting especailly for a hot summer day . Can't wait to try our this recipe & the honey dressing! I'm a honey lover! hehehehehe

  8. I really like the sound of that honey dressing! :D

  9. This salad has all my favourite ingredients!

  10. Love to try it . Yummy & Healthy :-D


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