
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Easter Egg Decorating and Egg Hunt

Another Easter post to get out of the way. During Easter time, our favorite activities are egg decorating (the adults) and egg hunting (the kids). Both Hubby and I are quite competitive, so we were trying to see who would have the best decorated egg this year. Here are some of the decorated eggs from Easter this year, do let me know which is your favorite :)

Kids ready to go on their Easter Egg hunt

Can you spot the egg?

Found one!

Chef Miche Le Star (get it?)

Don't play play, I've got 3 Michelin stars

Bear (ears and mouth using cardboard)

 Eggs gathering


Alien (keeping it simple) and Hello Kitty (Baby C's fav)



So leave a comment and let me know which is your favorite!

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  1. so cute, i especially like how some of the eggs have hats/caps and ears stuck on them! :D

  2. Yen, I love Chef Miche Le Star,very cute!!! haha...

  3. Those two egg-hunters are too cute for words ! Oh , the eggs as well ;D

  4. Ooh, I love the Michelin chef! So cute! All the eggs are cute! What a happy, fun hunt!

  5. This must be a backdated post - Easter's long gone... I like Chef Miche Le Star...with the moustache. Cute.

  6. Wow! What an awesome post with 2 adorable cuties & those eggs are so cute! Just wonderful! :)


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