
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Recipe: Fusilli Pasta with Tuna, Sweetcorn and Quail's Egg

Once upon a time, I used to have a 9-5 job and everyday, I would need to think of what to bring as a "pack lunch" for the following day. One of my favorite things to make is this fusilli pasta with tuna, sweetcorn and shallots. Why do I like it? Well, it can be easily put together the night before, keeps well in the fridge and still tastes great eaten cold the following day. It is also pretty healthy and makes a balanced meal.

Tuna and sweetcorn are a great pairing, lovely with pasta as well as in sandwiches and salads too.  In the past, I've always used hard boiled hen's egg since quail eggs are considered a delicacy in UK and much more difficult to get your hands on at that time. So if you do not like quail's egg, by all means replace it with a chicken egg. Nowadays, I love making this for myself and also Baby C for lunch. 

Fusilli pasta with tuna, sweetcorn and quail egg

Love the colours - mesmerising!

Quail eggs - dirt cheap in Malaysia!

I could easily eat a few of these. Do you like them too?

Fusilli Pasta with Tuna,  Sweetcorn and Quail's Egg
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10-12 minutes
Serves 1

80g fusilli pasta
1/3 can tuna
1 shallot, finely chopped
6 cherry tomatoes, halved
A handful sweetcorn (you can use canned or frozen)
2 quail's egg
Salt and pepper, to taste
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

1. Boil quail's egg for 4-5 minutes in simmering water, according to your preference. Then transfer to iced water,  the cold water sets the membrane so the egg can be easily peeled. Halve the egg. (Note: If making for packed lunch, it would be better to hard boil the quail's egg)

2.  Cook pasta according to pack instructions in a pot of salted water. Drain and run under cold water to stop pasta from cooking further.

3. Place pasta in a large bowl, and drizzle with 2 tbsp EVOO. Add shallot, tuna, cherry tomatoes and sweetcorn and toss well. Season with salt and pepper, then finally top with the quail's egg. If you do not like quail's egg, you can replace with 1 regular chicken egg.

4. This can be made in advance and stored in an airtight container in the fridge. Suitable as pack lunches.

For a similar recipe using tuna and sweetcorn, see this salad with poached egg.

*I am submitting this recipe to my friend Esther of Copycake Kitchen's Little Thumbs Up "Corn" event.

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  1. What a simple and healthy pasta.

  2. "Tuna and sweetcorn are a great pairing"; must write this down, then can try at home. hehehe

  3. I'm 2nd for your pasta salad today! Once upon a time, I also like pasta salad like this, hehe!

  4. I can eat a lot of quail's eggs at one go too, probably not a great idea tho.

  5. Yes, sweetcorn and tuna are great combo. I'm going to use your recipe to pack lunch for son at work:-)

  6. I have never tried quail eggs. But this looks too good, I need to try them soon!

  7. Yen, this is a new combination of ingredients for me. It sounds delicious in particular the quails egg which I love!

  8. Delicious looking pasta! It has all my kids favourite ingredients! Yummy!

  9. You make them really nice. I guess it's talent? Cause I hardly see myself making anything like that. My sis would look at what I make and ask me to finish it myself. ....

  10. Simple and delicious and healthy pasta salad!

  11. ooo, nice colors. i'm not a tuna fan, so i'd personally substitute it with, say, smoked salmon for this recipe, but i love the other ingredients, so we're good to go :D

  12. Gonna try this weekend... without the quail eggs! But I am wondering if it is possible to keep it till the next day for lunch.

    1. Hi Chong, yes of course. I mentioned above that I made it the night before and bring it for lunch the next day. Recommended to make hard boiled egg since it keeps better.

  13. I have never had a quail egg, loved your quick pasta!~!

  14. I'll have tuna corn salad instead of pasta *stay away from carbo for dinner when diet T_T*

  15. Hi Yen, your pasta looks very inviting and I love the colours too :)
    Thank you very much for your support on LTU.

  16. I love quails eggs. don't care if it is high in cholesterol I can eat like 10 in one sitting :P is that bad???

    1. Apparently it's just a myth that it's high in cholesterol. LOL!

  17. Hey , it's dirt-cheap here as well :D Lovely flavor and texture in your pasta ! Will add some quail eggs when I cook pasta with tuna next time ;D

  18. We love quail eggs . These look good , my sons will surely love to eat this delicious pasta. They're pasta fanS! ;)

  19. I love the use of sweetcorn here! It's always one of my favourite foods and it goes so well with tuna! I remember getting tuna and sweetcorn pizzas in Japan! :D

  20. Yen,
    Lovely tuna and corn pasta.
    I know my kids will love this.
    It's simply yum yum :D

  21. Hi Yen,

    Have you worked in UK before? I lived in Luton for 2 months when I was a poor student. Couldn't be bother with cooking... just eat cheap chocolate, packet scones and bread to survive... Those were the days :p

    Sorry for my late visit... but didn't forget to "like" you at Facebook :D


    1. Hi Zoe, I was living in the UK for more than 7 yrs! I was into cooking then, but not yet into photographing my food! LOL.

      Thanks for the like as well :)


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