
Monday, February 25, 2013

Recipe: Japanese Miso Soup (Miso-shiru)

My children loves miso soup A LOT, whenever we visit the Japanese restaurant it would always be the first thing that they go for. Back at home, it's no different.... whenever I tell them that I am making miso soup, they would shout out in glee "Mummy, I want one bowl please!". It is incredibly easy to make, and is a great accompaniment even for our Chinese dinners.

We love Miso Soup!

Miso soup (miso-shiru) is made from dashi stock, miso paste and other added ingredients according to personal preference; I like to add tofu, super grade wakame, Shiitake mushrooms and scallions. Super grade wakame is a type of premium seaweed and is said to have a nutritional value 30 times higher than land vegetables and it will contribute to your health, well-being and radiant facial appearance.

Miso soup using pure miso paste contains many nutritional values such as excellent source of dietary fibre, protein, minerals and vitamin K. According to Wikipedia, researchers at Japan's National Cancer Centre suggested "eating three or more bowls of miso soup everyday could cut women's risk of developing breast cancer". Miso paste however is quite high in sodium; the original recipe actually suggested adding 50g miso paste to the dashi, however I have decreased the amount to half as I deemed it flavorful enough.

Baby C's favorite soup :)

Usually I would use either red (akamiso) or mixed (awase) miso paste. There is a miso paste brand called "Marukome Boy" which contains dashi already, so all you need to do is add it to water. Or you can also make dashi from scratch or using the sachets if you have more time.

We had a Japanese-themed lunch one afternoon... ebikko sushi, miso soup and Hokkaido cupcakes.

Japanese traditional miso soup (miso-shiru)
Recipe by Baby Sumo, slightly adapted from Japanese Bible
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 5-10 minutes
Serves 2-3

450ml dashi stock II  or use sachets (recipe here)
1 1/2 tbsp red or awase miso paste
125g firm silken tofu
2 Shiitake mushrooms, soaked and finely sliced
1-2 tsp super-grade wakame
2 tbsp finely chopped spring onions

1. Place 2 tbsp of the dashi in a small bowl, add the miso paste and blend until smooth.

2. Place remaining dashi in a saucepan over medium high heat and bring just to the boil, then reduce to a low simmer. Spoon the miso mixture into the simmering stock, stirring continuously to dissolve the miso paste. Add shiitake mushrooms, tofu and wakame and cook for 2 minutes.

3. Ladle soup into bowls. Sprinkle with spring onions and serve immediately.

*This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 5 March 2013.


  1. Umami pleasure! I'm not as big a miso soup fan, but it's nice to end a Japanese meal, just before dessert, by slurping this up sometimes :D

    1. My kids always ask for it, so I got no excuse not to make it. LOL!

  2. Hi Baby Sumo, your comfort soup look so delicious. Nothing beat homemade cooking.

    Have a nice week ahead,regards.

    1. Thanks Amelia, simple and delicious and most importantly the kids will eat it.

  3. How many tasty recipes in your blog! thie miso soup in perfect in thesse rainy and chilly days...
    Please if you have a minute check out my blog:
    Italien cusine... I hope you can enjoy it!

    1. Thanks for visiting, will drop by at your blog later. :)

  4. Hi Yen! I love the soup too... love it very hot... healthy and yummy! Sometimes, I'll add other ingredient like tomato, minced pork and straw mushroom... very nice! :D

    1. Yeah miso paste/soup is definitely versatile, love it with noodles too! :D

  5. My daughter's favourite too...

  6. Yen, you did such a good job with the Japanese-themed meal. Hmmm, wish that I can try your miso soup and the Hokkaido cupcakes.

    1. Hehe no problem, I can make for u anytime! So easy. :) (My boy help me make the Hokkaido cupcakes before his naptime)

  7. I love miso soup very much, and the one you make is as good as the restaurants :)

  8. I am gonna buy the white miso paste, someone told me that is less salty... didn't know some comes with dashi already...

    1. Yes white miso is less salty. Lighter umami also.

  9. I like miso soup too! ;-)

    1. Yay! Can make for dinner at home, fast and easy!

  10. Aww they're such cute, healthy kids! :D That's great that they like miso!

    1. Haha yes they love it a little too much, every morning my daughter tells me to make it for her dinner. LOL!

  11. I like miso soup! It's simple, healthy and delicious. Maybe we should try to make at home too. :D

    1. Oh CK, this one u definitely can make without any problems.

  12. my little one loves it too! we cook this all the time at home too.... :)

    my Japanese friend who is a chef swears that if you take miso each day, you wont get the flu or cold because its suppose to help strengthen your immune system... so far I used to take it during my schooling winter days and never got any flu.

    1. Ah that's cool... next time if we go UK, must get a tub of miso paste there and eat miso soup for dinner every night hehe, so tht we wont catch a cold.

  13. You're right, it looks so simple and easy! Love the Japanese lunch set up, from soup to dessert too. You really are supermom :D

    1. Thanks ;) I got a little help from my son, he helped me make the Hokkaido cupcakes before his sister got home from school.

  14. Love your Japanese-themed lunch . It looks healthy and delicious ! Baby C for sure loves it :)

    1. Thanks Anne, it's nice to prepare a nice lunch for my kids. Makes me happy when they're happy!

  15. I love Japanese food too and miso shiro is one of them that I love to make at home. Your Japanese set meal look very delicious, I want to come for lunch too!!

    1. Thanks Ann, how I wish I can invite u all to my house for the simple and humble Japanese lunch. :)

  16. Hi Yen,

    We like miso soup too... For convenience and our lazy day cooking, I always make it from instant packs with udon noodles *guilty*

    Yours with fresh silken tofu and spring onions look very good :D


  17. Hi Yen,
    Your Baby C is so sweet .
    I bet she enjoy her mummy's Japanese theme lunch a lot.
    Thanks for sharing. I got some tips from you :)

  18. Love the fact that your kids love all kind of food. The soup looks warm and tempting

  19. I drink miso soup almost everyday if/when I cook Japanese dish, but oh no, not enough to reach 3 bowls everyday! :D Looks delicious!!

  20. Miso soup also my children's favourite soup whenever i cook Japanese meal for them.

  21. Making dashi from scratch from a sachet doesn't sound very authentic...
    I always make dashi using bonito flakes and kombu, this tastes way better than any sachets ;-)
    Love miso soup! :-)

  22. where do you buy your miso paste?

    1. Hello,

      You can find it in the Japanese section in AEON, or Shojikiya.


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