
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Recipe: Fried strawberries with basil and whipped cream

When it comes to choosing strawberries, my favorite type is the Korean variant as they're usually much juicier and sweeter . If we cannot get our hands on the Korean ones, then we would go for the Australian or US ones. Other than eating them fresh, I also like cook the strawberries quickly with a teeny bit of sugar and red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar, which the kids enjoy.

Fried strawberries with basil and whipped cream

The strawberries are pan fried with sugar, vanilla extract and red wine vinegar for a couple of minutes. The strawberries will soften a little and usually tastes much juicier. I like to serve them with whipped cream or Mock Devonshire cream, some fresh basil leaves and a touch  of grated dark chocolate or chocolate chips (for the kids). I feel that basil goes very well with the strawberries, and since it is quite a mild tasting herb, even the kids would eat them up. Plus these herbs are grown in our own garden, so all the better! This is another simple, and delicious dessert recipe that you can prepare in no time.

For the kids

Cutie Baby C with her fried strawberries dessert

Fried strawberries with basil and whipped cream
Recipe by Baby Sumo, with adaptions from BBC Food - Tony Tobin
Preparation time: 5 - 10 minutes
Cooking time: 4 minutes
Serves 3-4

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
250g fresh strawberries, hulls removed (I skipped this step)
1 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract or essence
1 1/2 tbsp red wine vinegar (or 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar)

To serve
150ml whipping cream, whipped until soft peaks or 150g Mock Devonshire cream
2-3 basil leaves, washed and cut into thin strips
Mint sprig, to garnish (optional)
Dark chocolate shavings (optional)
Chocolate chips (for the kids)

1. Heat one tablespoon of the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat, add the strawberries, caster sugar and vanilla extract, and cook for 1 1/2 minutes.

2. Add the red wine vinegar and turn up the heat (to medium high). Cook for another 2 minutes to reduce, then stir in the remaining tablespoon of oil.

3. To serve, place the whipped cream on the serving plate and top with the strawberries. Grate some dark chocolate (or chocolate chips) over the strawberries, then sprinkle the basil leaves on top. Garnish with mint sprig and serve.

They taste much better than being pan fried :)

*This recipe was featured on Asian Food Channel's FB page on 27 November 2012.


  1. Your girl is also a big fan of Peppa Pig? Ethan & Isabelle love watching it everyday! This is a quick & nice dessert!

    1. We cant really get Peppa Pig stuff in KL, my MIL sends to us from UK.

      Thanks, my kids like this dessert and also better to cook them before giving to the kids cos sometimes they get cough after eating cold fruits.

  2. Yum... I love these beautiful strawberries, simple delicious!

    1. Cooking the strawberries makes them taste juicier :)

  3. I wonder what that tastes like. Love strawberry desserts!

    1. You can try it... all quite readily available ingredients. And short cooking/prep time :)

  4. Hi Yen! To me, any dessert with cream will be nice.. :)

    I'm sure the kids love the cream "face" with chocolate eyes!

    1. How observant of you! :)

      My kids, especially my boy loves cream very much! Usually he will ask for more.

  5. Wow such a simple and amazing the whipped cream and grated chocolate...awesome!!

    1. Thanks Amrita! Strawberries and cream always work wonders :)

  6. I love strawberry, but have never tasted the fried one, sound nice. :)

  7. strawberries! usually not my favorite fruit (especially the non-korean, super-sour varieties) but this recipe is tempting! then again, everything you make is tempting :D

    1. Yeah I dislike sour strawberries too! This is quite a good fix for them - makes them much juicier!

  8. I've got to try cooking the strawberries with balsamic vinegar sometime... this looks incredibly delicious, especially with that cream...

    1. My kids sometimes get cough when they eat fresh strawberries so cooking them eliminates that problem :) Not to mention delicious too

  9. I love Korean strawberries and they are a bit cheaper though smaller than the American strawberries . I've seen some strawberries at the our local market these past few days , they look just so-so and for sure really sour :P .... Your dish looks tempting !

    1. Oh we still dont get Korean strawberries over in KL yet..... waiting waiting for them to arrive!

  10. Lovely dessert & a very interesting recipe! I've got to try this recipe when I harvest my strawberries next summer. Baby C is soo adorable & I bet she loves her fried strawberry dessert! SWEET! :)

    1. Omigosh.. you get to harvest your own strawberries too! That's really wonderful.

  11. Replies
    1. Stawberries and cream.. very classic. But just given it a bit of a twist :)

  12. I had no idea that Korean strawberries were good but I'm hearing all about Korean food lately :) And that's great that you like Australian strawberries. I wondered how they compared!

    1. Australian strawberries are better than NZ and Cameron (Malaysia) ones for sure. At least they're semi-sweet compared to the other two.

  13. Your strawberries looks wonderful! I love any strawberries. Very cute daughter!

    1. Thanks Joyce. :) Kids have big smiles when they see dessert. Hehe.

  14. I've never heard of pan-frying strawberries, but sounds and look delicious!

    1. You can try it when u buy a batch of sour strawberries... it makes me a little juicier.

  15. very simple dish!! Will try some of them if I got myself some strawberries!;P

  16. oo.. I always try to buy Korean too.. cos sweet and cheaper than US ones... was it a special day when you make this dessert cos it is really a gorgeous dessert... maybe I ll try this for the coming holiday... :D

    1. I am waiting patiently for the Korean strawberries to come in season, then I'm gonna buy a whole load and make lots of delicious strawberry desserts!

  17. Lovely dessert for the kids.*pat pat for the good job done by mami**


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